Happy birthday

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It was a cold day like almost always in Seattle, Andy woke up wanting to curl up in bed next to her husband, she turns around and says good morning baby and finds the side of the bed empty, her husband doesn't, she sits on the bed and he he looks at his bedside table and he had a note that said: "Since I'm a rookie, they made me go to the station earlier today, see you at work, your smoothie is in the fridge, I love you'' Andy smiles when he reads the Note, she gets up and begins to get ready to go to work, she wanted to kiss her husband before the others arrived at the station. At the station, Robert had agreed to have a meeting with Maya as she was the best friend of Andy and his captain, she is the ideal person to help him with his plan, Andy is for his birthday next week and to arrange a surprise party Robert needs the help of the team.

Maya: "Sullivan, why did you make me come here so early today? I wanted to stay a little longer in bed with my fiery Italian girlfriend.."

Robert looks at her trying to hide her smile from what Maya said, then he realizes what she said.

Maya: "I'm sorry, I didn't think I said that out loud"

Robert shakes his head. "Don't worry, I also wish I could do the same with my beautiful and sexy wife, but I need your help"

Maya: "My help? For what? We are friends now right? Now we can talk as friends, I mean that you are my best friend's husband.." Maya begins to wande.." For years that girl has never really been linked to anyone, she has always been a free soul. Wow it was fun hanging out with her and chatting between girls talking about the guys and what they were doing.." before naming the guys she looks at Robert who has a weird face, then she clears her throat and continues talking. "I'm sorry. What I mean is that being the husband of my best friend, outside of work we can be friends"

Robert looks at her, still shakes his head unable to process all his ramblings but decides not to pay attention. Andy's past is his past, now he's his present and his future and that's what matters.

Robert: "Maya is Andy's birthday next week and I want to do something special for her. I would like to organize a surprise party for her with the whole team at our house, with this pandemic we can't all go out to party together in a club and I want Andy to feel loved by her whole family. During this time as a rookie I have been able to see how close you are, it's the family that Pruitt has formed and I want to honor what my father-in-law wanted for Andy. Could you put Andy on duty in the ambulance today so we can talk and organize with the others too?"

Maya: "I think it's a good idea, I'll put her and Vic on ambulance service because we've all learned over the years that Vic is incapable of keeping a secret. It'll be a surprise for both of us in the end" And then she laughed remembering the time she couldn't keep the surprise party for Miller they wanted to throw a secret.

Robert: "I appreciate your help and since we are friends outside of work you can call me Robert" he gets up from and goes to the door and turns to Maya. "I told Andy that as a rookie you told me to arrive earlier today. In case he asked, did we have a meeting? I do not know.."

Maya nodded. "Don't worry, the secret is safe with me. I'm already excited to organize something for Andy, she and all of us need it. After all that has happened in this last period it will be nice to celebrate all together as we once did"

Robert: "It's still early, we're friends, can we prepare breakfast for when the others arrive?"

Maya: "It seems like a great newbie idea! Sorry, Robert"

They both headed to the kitchen and started making breakfast. They were both so focused on cooking, laughing and joking that they didn't realize Andy had walked into the kitchen and was watching them. They both gasped when they heard Andy calling them.

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