Chapter 17

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'A homeless man has been spotted wearing the same shirt and jacket Niall Horan has been seen wearing today. He says a couple have him the clothes and he is very grateful to the blonde guy that gave him these clothes. The couple was seen walking in the Waterfront mall and left with a few shopping bags. The thankful man said he found them on the ground in a nearby park next to the couple. Reporters are on their way.'

Oh shit. I know we can't run away from them forever but, I don't have a top on, and Niall doesn't have a top either.

"Oh shit yeah, let's go." Niall said once I showed him the article.

We got up and packed the blanket up.

Niall being the smart one wrapped the blanket around his naked torso. How smart of you!

We got to the car with great success, after all, it is a secluded park. Luckily earlier he bought a few tips for himself and he changed into that not that I wouldn't mind seeing his body.

I remembered what had happened, I kissed Niall Horan. My lips tingling just from the thought of it. The butterflies came back to my stomach. Actually, a tornado, earthquake, volcanic eruption in my stomach.

The sun was beginning to set and it reminded me that this is Niall's first Capetonian sunset and what better place to view it than Signal Hill. We set out back onto the road, the radio playing softly. I glanced over at Niall and found out he was on Twitter. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and decided to wait until I stopped the car. It was most likely just Niall that tweeted.

"What did you tweet?" I asked Niall, while concentrating on the road.

"Amazing day exploring Cape Town, love it here, absolutely beautiful." Niall said.

"Aw, well on behalf of Cape Town, we love having you here and," I was cut off by Niall's lips on mine, luckily the traffic light was red other wise, I would've caused an accident from being distracted.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered to me, placing his lips back on mine again, melting in his touch, The amount of passion we shared in that kiss made my mind fuzzy, even making me forget I was in a car, driving. The sound of a car horn brought us back to reality quickly, making me focus on driving again.

I could feel Niall's gaze on me as I drove. I mentally sighed after we finally arrived and parked the car at the top of Signal Hill. Niall's gaze shifted to the view, admiring the amazing view of Cape Town.

"Let's go, we can sit on the grass." I said, getting out of the drivers seat heading towards the boot of the car. Once I got there, I opened the boot and got the blanket we sat on earlier, as well as one of Niall's new hoodies and a SnapBack. Before I closed the boot, Niall came beside me scratching in one of the bags looking for something.

"You can get a seat so long, I need to go to the toilet, I'll lock the car, I just need to get something." Niall said.

I have him the car keys and he kissed my head, I smiled as he kissed me and turned around to walk towards the picnic area. I got a spot, under the tree, it was my favorite spot and always say here when it was available.

Niall still never came after a five minutes of waiting. At that moment I decided to call him.

"I am unable to take your call at this moment, please call again later." I got his voice mail. I began to panic, I knew I should've just waited for him by the car.

I got up and as I turned around, a girl, that looked around 12 or 13 walked up to me.

"Are you Jamie Parker?" She asked me.

"Urh, yeah, why?" I asked her, hesitant on what she might do.

"Oh my gosh," she exclaimed, "I love you so much! You seem like the perfect princess for Niall!" she beamed after saying that to me.

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