Chapter 24

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I saw Niall looking around, but luckily he never saw me. However, after the break they just had, everything changed


As they all came on. Niall shocked us all by saying,

"There's someone that I know in this crowd," he began saying.

I heard many people shout my name and he just chuckled.

"Yes, Jamie is here, and I know that she thinks I haven't seen her, but actually I have. It's not hard to spot you Jamie," he said and stopped directly in front of me. Only the security barrier separating us.

"Come on, I haven't seen you all day" he said as the security lifted me over the gate and helped me on stage.

"Well I was busy standing in the queue to see you and you were busy. Not my fault" I said and he laughed and hugged me.

"Jamie said that she would rather stand in a queue than go on a safari with Liam and myself." He replied and the crowd screamed and some laughed.

"What do you think Niall, should we sing happy birthday for Jamie? You're only 21 once." Harry said. Wow Harry.

"Great idea Harry. Let's do it!" Niall responded. Oh no Niall.

Along with 45 thousand people, they sang happy birthday to me. I'm not going to lie, I felt special standing on stage and being sung to.

"Thank you Cape Town, I shall be going now." I said and jumped off the stage and got lifted by the security to be put on the other side of the gate where Liana was standing.

"As I said, Liam and I went on a safari today and the band has decided to play something." Niall said and the band began playing a song from The Lion King.

I noticed there was another bass guitarist standing next to Sandy. I looked closer and I couldn't believe who I saw.

Liana nudged my side and I turned to her. She leaned in and shouted over the noise, "Isn't that Byron standing next to Sandy?" I was surprised that she remembered Byron, I was convinced it was my him and waited till I could see him more clearly.

"Well done to our incredible band and newest bass guitarist Byron!" Louis said to the crowd.

At that point I jumped over the barrier and found a cooler box about four meters away and stepped on it and jumped onto the stage. My entrance onto the stage would have made a ninja jealous.

Security were shouting at me and I ignored them and ran. Niall noticed the commotion going on and told the security to leave me as he wanted me on stage.

"Back so soon Jamie." Niall asked me.

I walked right past him and ignored his question. I walked towards Byron and he noticed me. His shocked facial expression matching mine.

"Holy shit," I whispered to myself.

"I told you swearing isn't healthy, but yet you're still at it." Byron said and shook his head, placing his bass on the stand.

"Come here," Byron said and I ran into his arms. Hugging him tightly.

"What's going on between you two?" Harry asked, directing the question to us.

"His my cousin," I said. I saw Niall in the corner of my eye relax a bit and he looked confused.

"So you're the family Byron was talking about?" Niall asked. Byron nodded his head in response and let go, picking his guitar up again.

"That was a good family reunion don't you think?" Liam asked. Again, screams were heard in response.

Sending a picture to Riley showing who I met. He instantly replied saying there was going to be a Braai (barbecue) tomorrow at Wynberg Park.

Liana was escorted backstage, and I could tell she was enjoying every single moment of it.

As soon as the concert ended. I followed the lead of Byron and ran behind him. We ended up backstage where Liana was sipping on a coffee or cappuccino.

"I knew it was Byron the moment I saw his hair." Liana said and I say down next to her.

The boys had left immediately after the concert while Byron stayed behind a bit, talking to the lead singer of Beatenberg, Mathew.

"Twitter is going crazy." Liana mentioned. She turned her phone towards me as I saw tweets about Byron, Niall and I on stage. Many saying I was lucky and many saying what I did was unnecessary.

Well I'm sorry, I haven't seen my cousin for a good six to seven years, and he doesn't even tell me his now part of the band.

"Oh well, I'm so hungry." I replied to her.

"When are you not hungry. You complain all day everyday Jamie." Liana replied.


Just then, Byron returned and sat next to me on the couch.

"So, why didn't you let me know that you're the Bass guitarist for them?" I asked Byron.

"Surprise!" Byron said. Liana excused herself to go to the bathroom while Byron and I were talking. "How have you been?"

"I'm good. I saw dad, he kinda crept up on us, but he's back in jail now, he escaped, claiming he needed to help me after I was knocked over," I explained to Byron.

"You were knocked over?" Byron shouted.

"Yeah, that's how I met them. I was waiting for Riley at the airport in Johannesburg, and I crossed the road and they knocked me over." I explained to him.

"How is Riley? I haven't seen him in ages ?"

"Riley is actually here, well his at my house I think, he came down for my birthday." I replied to him.

"Oh shit that's right ! You turned 21 yesterday! You're getting old now yeah!"

"I'm still young. Forever young." I replied.

Liana came in and said that we have to leave now as they were closing the parking lot soon.

"Oh, I told Riley that you're here, he said that there's going to be a Braai tomorrow at Wynberg park. Are you interested ?" I asked Byron.

"Yeah, it sounds cool. Here's my number send me the details. Good to see you again Jamie." Byron replied and hugged me.

Liana and I walked to the car park where her car was parked and we exited the stadium premises making our way home.

"I need to talk to Niall. Can you drop me at the hotel please?" I asked Liana.

We turned into the parking lot of the hotel they were staying at, I greeted Liana telling her I would get a cab home.

I walked into the foyer and called Louis.

"Louis, what is Niall's room number ?" I asked him as soon as he answered the phone.

"Hello Jamie, how was the concert?" Louis replied.

"Hello Louis, the concert was amazing thank you, would you kindly tell me which room Niall is staying in?"

Louis gave his room number and promised he wouldn't tell Niall.

As soon as I got to Niall's room door. My heart started beating, faster and faster, my head feeling heavy and my chest closing up.


Wowee !

Hope you enjoyed that!

My favorite Dodgeball team is definitely the Corden's Angles ❤️


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