Chapter 23

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But little did we know, that going to buy merchandise could be so difficult.


"Holy shit Niall tweeted about Jamie!" A girl about 15 that was standing in front of me said.

I checked my phone and what do you know, safari boy tweeted.

'If anyone sees Jamie tonight. Grab my attention will ya ?'

Wow Niall. I just showed you where I'm standing.

"Imagine we see her!" The girl in front of me said.

Let me just turn around and walk back to Liana. Or not.

"Holy shit Jamie!" The girl screamed. Oh fuck. I turned around and looked at them.

"Hi there, how're you doing" I said casually. Is that what I'm supposed to say or ?

"Can we have a picture with you please?" They asked me.

"Of course," I stood by them and took the picture.

"Can you give us Niall's number please?" They asked.

"Unfortunately not, sorry. I have to go now, tweet Niall yeah? Bye girls." I said and walked to where I was standing. I forgot all about the merchandise I was supposed to buy and carried on walking.

"There's Jamie !" I heard and turned around to see about fifteen girls heading my way. I stopped and waited for them.

"Can we get a picture with you please ?" They asked. I agreed and as I was about to walk, I heard one of them say, "You and Niall are going to have really cute babies! Congrats on the pregnancy Jamie!"

Hold up.



Oh hell.

"Sorry, what?" I asked shocked.

"You're pregnant. Niall posted it on Instagram." Someone else said.

"Yeah, thanks, that's an April Fool's Day joke. I better be going now, bye!" I turned around and ran to Liana.

When I saw Liana, I sprinted my way to her and hugged her.

"You know it's bad for a pregnant women to," she began, but I stopped her.

"Don't even complete the sentence. Johnny Apple is on in two minutes." I replied to her.


The opening acts were amazing, Liana and I went crazy when Beatenberg came on.

They are scheduled to come on in the next two minutes and to say I was excited was an understatement.

As the opening video started playing, Niall sent me a message.
'Enjoying watching us on the screen ? Haven't seen you all day! See you soon J.'

Wow Niall. Just then, as the video ended. They came one. Along with everyone else, we were shouting and screaming, as reality kicked in and we realised they're real and standing in front of us.

I saw Niall looking around, but luckily he never saw me. However, after the break they just had, everything changed.


Thought I'd give you a sneak peak.

Enjoy my loves,

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