Chapter Three

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*Jamie's POV*

"Look Jamie, I never meant to freak you out like this. Waking up in a hotel room and seeing me. You must have felt really scared when you woke up. I'm sorry if I scared you or anything." Niall said.



"Am I in a dream or is this real?"

"This is very much real princess. I can prove it?"

Hold up. Niall just called me princess.

"Yeah, How?"

I asked with a smirk on my face. He came closer to me, put his plate on the table and stood right in front of me I could smell his perfume.

*Niall's POV*

I wanted to hold her in my arms and smell her perfume like I did when we were in the car. Actually, I wanted to kiss her. To feel her lips on my lips moving in perfect sync. She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes probably thinking what I am going to do. I wrapped my arms around her waist. She never did anything for a few seconds and then I felt her arms around my neck. Her grip was tight, like she didn't want to let go.

After about five minutes hugging in silence she released and said she wanted to call her brother to tell her where she is and that he must come and fetch her and then I said

"Jamie, Riley knows where you are!"

"No he doesn't, I haven't contacted him since I arrived!"

"Jamie, Harry called your brother. Your phone was unlocked and the last call was to Riley. We all thought it was the logical thing to do when we knocked you and picked you up. "

"Harry Styles called my brother and my phone was in his hands against his ear? Okay back to the topic, and what did he say?"

I was pretty sure she was fangirling and screaming inside her head when I said that.

"Well, we talked and thought it was best that you slept here tonight and tomorrow night since you're going to the concert tomorrow and Riley said it was far for him to drive all the way here since he lives on the other side of Johannesburg. Are you okay with that? There is another room for you next to the main bedroom where you can sleep and that"

"Urrh, yeah sure. Can I just call Riley?"

*Jamie's POV*

<Phone call>

"Good evening Mrs Horan!"

"Good evening to you too Ri"

"What's up? Has Niall hurt you?"

"No, Niall has not hurt me? Why would you think that? He is the most wonderful and caring person ever, after you of course."

"Aww babes! Are you safe though Jamie?"

"Yep, that is why I called you, so, Niall Horan hugged me bro! I've been acting pretty chilled and I'm actually proud of myself!"

"You never screamed or anything?"

"Nope! Oh, since when do you live on the other side of Johannesburg, when you're only 30 minutes away?"

"Since now. I can always pick you up now and then you wont spend the night with Niall"

"Well, I'm safe and I am not leaving so soon. Thanks for considering me and I will see you on Sunday!"

"Okay, thanks Jamie. Enjoy it, be good and use protection. I love you"

"Will do, love you too, bye"

<End of phone call>

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