Chapter 18

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*Niall's POV*

"Hear what?" I cannot hear anything?
"My stomach grumbling!" Jamie replied.
"Oh, yeah, it's so loud I think Greg can hear it" I exaggerated.
"Haha, very funny. I need food in this stomach!" Jamie said, "And it's my birthday. You better do something, the birthday girl is hungry." Jamie said.
"Oh well, we better do something about that? Let's go back to your place yeah?" I replied, hoping the plan would work.

As we drove away from Signal Hill, I took out my phone and messaged Liana to let her know that we are on our way back home. Not even a minute later, Liana replied, 'Stop at the shop and ask her to get you something , then blindfold her, there should be a cloth around the headrest, and carry her out and drive back' Well that seemed simple enough.

"Can you stop over at that shop please?" I asked Jamie.

"Sure, what do you need? I can get it for you?" She replied easily. Yes!

"Can you get me biltong please, lots and lots of biltong" I replied. Let's do this.

As soon as she left the car I got the blindfold and took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car.

As I walked into the shop, I saw her standing at the bakery wearing a black outfit. Well she changed quick. It is her since her hair colour is brown with this light brown tint in it, shoulder length.

I sneaked up behind her and instantly wrapped the blindfold over her eyes. I think her 'I'm being kidnapped' instincts kicked in because she kicked my shin and pinched my stomach quite hard.

"It's only me, Niall." I said to her, and walked back to the car. Settling her in the back seat and buckled her up. What surprised me is that she's not making a fuss out of this and complaining being blindfolded like Liana said.

"Niall, you said it was? Where are you taking me?" Jamie asked. Her voice sounded different. There was no South African in her voice. She sounded Australian.

"Im not allowed to tell you babe," I said calmly."The lads will be there though." Remember not to give too much away Niall. I said to myself.

"What lads?" Jamie asked. Maybe there was some weird forgetting stuff in the blindfold because she scrunched her face up in confusion.

"Zayn, Liam, Louis and Harry?" I said confused.

"Who are they?" Jamie replied.

"You'll see them in two minutes." I hadn't realized how close Jamie's house is since she lives in complex in Newlands. I messaged Liana to open the gate letting her know we are here.

"Well we're here. I'm going to help you now." I said to Jamie and got out of my seat and helped her out of the seat.

"Okay, there's a step here," as she stepped. "And, open the door!" I instructed her, loud enough so they can hear inside which basically meant that I shouted.

She felt around for the handle and opened it walking inside. I stood behind her and looked for Liana who was going to tell Jamie to take the blindfold off.

My phone was buzzing, indicating someone was calling. I went outside, hoping they'll wait till I finish the call. I took it out of my pocket and saw Jamie was calling me. Since I went outside I was extremely confused.

"Where are you?" Jamie shouted into the phone.
"No you're not!" She sounded like she's been worried and has been crying.
"I'm going inside now." I said to her and walked inside as Liana told Jamie to take of her blindfold.

"I'm inside. You can turn around now." I told her and put down the phone.

"Happy 21st Birthday!" We all shouted. Riley had flown down for Jamie's surprise party. Michellene, Liana and Rebecca were back from their camping trip and a few of Jamie's friends from university, were all here for her surprise party.

She turned around, looking so confused and I walked up to her wanting to give her a hug, but stopped once I realized something.

"You're not Jamie" I said slowly.

Hope you enjoyed chapter 18!

Who could Jamie's look alike be? Vote AND Comment if you think you know who it is!

Want to welcome michellenesept to AL! ❤️

justanotherjohndoe hope you enjoyed it 😏❤️

lots of love!

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