Chapter 10

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Niall's POV

I panicked. Who wouldn't panic when you have someone unconscious and you have no idea why? I tried keeping her conscious, but it was no use. I called Riley as soon as I get behind the wheel.

Answer the phone Riley! "Hi, I'm not avail-" Damn it Riley. I tried again and after my third attempt, on the second ring he picks up.

"RILEY! You need to meet us outside the stadium. Jamie just blacked out when she saw the camera flashes." I said as quickly as I could while trying to concentrate on the road. My mind felt as it was a treadmill, running so fast it might break.
"Ah shit, keep the car running meet you there" Riley answered and then he put the phone down.

I had the GPS set and I rode as quickly as I could to the stadium. As I approached the stadium there was a small group of girls standing by the gate. Seriously? Right now? Oh gosh. I remembered Riley's windows are tinted which is great. I saw Riley leaning against the wall and then he ran to the car.

"Do you have the hotel room key?" Riley asked me.
"No, I gave it to her, I think it's in her bag, but here's a spare. Please promise me she'll be okay Riley?" I asked him, worry clearly evident on my pale face. I watched as he drove off with Jamie.

It has been about an hour and a half since they left, I haven't been able to concentrate on rehearsing, messing up my guitar solo, getting the words wrong.

"We start performing at seven, it's now six, you have 45 minutes to go check on Jamie. Be back here by ten to seven!" The lads said to me. I was gone before you could even say gone. The driver was already there to take me and I called Riley and told him.
"You have to perform in an hour!" Riley said, no matter what he said, I was going to be there.

We got to the hotel in five minutes, with traffic being easy. I ran to my hotel room and knocked on the door. Riley opened it and walked back to the room without saying a word.

I walked in and saw Jamie, her face wasn't pale anymore, but she was still sleeping. Riley explained that when she was younger, she gets dizzy and blacks out sometimes when she sees bright lights, the doctors don't know what caused it, but she just needs to take tablets and she should wake up, but she hasn't woken up.

I walked to her, afraid she won't wake up. Thoughts running through my mind that she might be unconscious longer than expected. I expected the worst.

I asked Riley if I could have a few minutes alone with Jamie and he left, saying he was going to get something to eat downstairs.
I got on the bed and laid down next to her, placing my arm around her.
"Jamie, please wake up, I haven't been able to concentrate since you left. Jamie please," I whispered to her, every few seconds I would whisper in her ear and then run my hands through her brown soft hair.
I couldn't resist it anymore, I stared at her face, my eyes examining her face. I stared at her lips and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss her. I learnt down, placing my lips on her lips. Her lips so soft, her lips started moving in sync with mine and I felt like I was in heaven.

Hold on..

Her lips are moving. She's awake! I got up and she opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful brown eyes.

"You're awake!" I exclaimed.
"Indeed I am, and I wonder what woke me up" she said with a sly look on her face.
"I could remind you," I said looking at her, her eyes sparkling. "But, I have to leave now, wish you could come with though." I said getting up from the bed, with a sad expression on my face.
"Wait! I'll be five minutes!" Jamie jumped out of bed and ran to her suitcase and then to the bathroom. Four minutes later, she came out of the bathroom with the South African rugby jersey on, the same one we wore for the photograph, with a pair of blue jeans and converse. She looked incredibly beautiful. I walked to her and hugged her, nuzzling my face into her neck smelling the perfume she put on.
"You look so beautiful," I told her.
"Thank you" I could tell she was blushing and as we were about to leave to door opened and Riley stood eating a packet of crisps.

"How are you feeling love?" Riley asked her.
"I feel better, I woke up without a headache so that's good, we're going to the concert now, are you joining?"
"Yeah, let's go!"

We walked to the car and arrived at the stadium at 6:45, I kissed Jamie goodbye and said bye to Riley and told them to enjoy the concert.
I ran to the dressing rooms and put on the same rugby jersey as Jamie. I got the ear piece in and I was ready for the concert. I heard the Twitter notification go off and Jamie's username came up, 'Concert time! Hope they're wearing the rugby jerseys! Can't wait! Love you' with all our usernames tagged in a picture of the stadium. I decided to call her because the lads were planning on something.

We were all secretly positioned in different places and I was positioned in Jamie's section, our goal was to find the person that screams first and shouts 'BADABADA WHATSUPPPPP'.

I called Jamie and she answered immediately.

Jamie's POV

I was standing next to Riley and a group of girls maybe my age talking and looking at me.

I turned to them and asked them why they were looking at me.
"Well, we don't think you're a Directionator, and, who wears a rugby jersey to a concert?" I looked at her and said.
"I'm so sorry I don't meet your requirements, but I think you failed being a Directioner just like your moms abortion. Oh and for your information, One Direction is wearing the rugby jerseys." Riley was laughing and I had a straight face on.
"Oh whatever, they're so not, I bet you 100 Rand they are not."
"Okay sure," we shook hands and then my phone rang." Excuse me, my future boyfriend is phoning me" I turned away from her and answered my phone.
"Aren't you supposed to be on stage in a few seconds?" I asked Niall.
"Kind of, but could you please start screaming and say badabada whatsuppp three time now? Thank you, love you" he put down the phone on me and I screamed and shouted what he told me.

Next thing I know, Niall was next to me with a smirk on his face.
"You're so sneaky!" I shouted at him.
"I found her lads!" Niall's voice echoed through the stadium. The skanky wanks just stared at me. Niall told me to get on his back and I did as I was told.

Guess what skanky wanks, I'm going on stage with them. Later directionators.

We were all on stage and Niall got hit by all four of them including myself because he was sneaky and told me the plan. They sang their opening song and dedicated it to me. They finished the song and I have them each a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As I got to Niall, I only gave him a hug and told him he'll get one later. I walked back to Riley and held out my hand to the skanky wanks.
"Pay up" I told her. Surprisingly she handed me the 100 Rand note and I gave it to Riley.

The concert was amazing! As the last song came up, one of the security guards came up to us and told us we were needed backstage. Riley and I walked and we waited backstage for them. They came a few minutes later and I congratulated them. Niall tried to hug me but I denied the hug because they drastically needed a shower. We travelled with them to the hotel and we shared our stories of the concert.


What do you think? I thought this was a cute chapter! I wish it happens ! FOUR MONTHS!!! Ahhh!

Well, this is the last chapter for the year and I would like to thank each and everyone of my readers! Thank you for the great year of comments and votes! I love you all! You'll be tagged below! ❤️

Well, you know what to do!





I love you all!

neslihan14 , AnnaHoran45 , joyleighandrews , HoranRSA , emilyisirish , Lailah10 , ShaunNefdt , squidyboy50 , @justanotherjohndoe and michellenesept

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