Chapter 25

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As soon as I got to Niall's room door. My heart started beating, faster and faster, my head feeling heavy and my chest closing up.


"No Jamie, you need to tell him this right now. There's no turning back." I said to myself and I knocked on his door preparing the worst.

"Hang on." I heard Niall shout.

"You can still run right now Jamie." I questioned myself. The door opened. Or not, guess you're saying this.

"Oh, hello love." Niall greeted me. Opening it more for me to walk in. But I didn't move a muscle until I spoke.

"Why are you wearing an apron without a shirt on ?" I questioned him and stepped into the hotel room.

"I'm making food, chicken korma." He replied and turned around, walking back to the kitchen area ...

"Niall, why are you letting your Badonkadonk breath?" I asked him as he was standing naked in front of the stove.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, so why not." He replied.

I walked into his bedroom and found his boxers on the bed, I took it and gave it to him.

"I thought you liked seeing my squishy butt ?" He said and stuck his bottom lip out.

"I've seen enough of your butt, thank you." I replied to him.

"This is the first time you see it Jamie, unless you've been naughty and looked at it while I was sleeping." He said, smirking.

"I wouldn't stay up just to see your ass! Incase you have forgotten, James Corden was tattooed onto your ass dear." I told him, remembering the interview, even though it was two years ago.

"That tattoo took three weeks to get off!" Niall exclaimed.

"Just get done with the food, I need to talk to you." I said, walking out onto the balcony.

The night was clear, each star shining brightly. The city lights glowing in the distance as I viewed Cape Town.

I heard the sliding door open and Niall came outside wearing a pants and a shirt instead of his cooking attire.

"Cape Town is beautiful, I'm so glad, I met you, even if it was by accident." He said as he wrapped his arms around me from behind and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You really are a smart ass"

"Remember I left school early," He replied."The food is done, you want to eat?" He asked me.

"Sounds good to me. The concert made me hungry. Why didn't you just order room service? The food is great here?" I questioned him.

"I just felt like cooking, it relaxes me," Niall replied as he took the chicken korma out of the oven.


"That was fantastic, I need the recipe please!" I said as I finished my third plate of food.

"It's Jamie Oliver's recipe, it's in his cookbook," He said, "You and Jamie should make a show. 'Cooking with The Jamie's' it would be hilarious" Niall said laughing at the thought of Jamie Oliver and I having a cooking show.

"Real funny Niall. It's a pity you haven't tried my chicken curry though." I said.

"Well you can cook it when I get home, we can invite my mom and," Niall said but I cut him off.

"Actually Niall, I came to talk to you about that." I started.

"Okay? Carry on?" He said hesitantly.

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