Chapter 12

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The flight wasn't too bad, there was a cranky branky baby in the next aisle, two siblings fighting over the earphones! The flight attendant was bishy as hell, she seriously needs to get her head out of her tush, and the turbulence was horrible, I thought our plane would crash in the ocean adding to the number of planes gone missing. The landing was even worse, it was like riding on a bicycle going down stairs! My boobs couldn't stop shaking which was hella uncomfortable and I couldn't wait to get off that plane! So the flight was terrible!

I walked out of the terminal spotting Liana instantly, standing next to her Audi, her parents got her when she turned 20.

"You have explaining to do!" She said to me. Don't I get a "Hello" or "I missed you so much!" Oh well whatever.

"I know, where should I start? Oh by the way, it's lovely to see you too Lia!"

"I know, I missed you so much J, I freaked out when I saw people following me and asking me to ask you to follow them. I had no idea what was happening. We all logged out of Twitter!"

"I don't check my mentions anymore, I just get notified when you, Rebecca, Joy, Riley and the boys tweet. I haven even checked my profile!"

"Well, you need to help me understand why."

I explained to Liana how I got knocked over and the whole story of what happened in Johannesburg.

"Niall likes you!" Liana squealed. Just then, it must be some weird mind force or what ever because Niall was calling me.

"Niall James Horan, it's a pleasure to receive a call from you"

"Jamie Leigh Parker, it's a pleasure hearing your voice" Jeez Niall! I'm going to die early!

"How was the concert?" I asked him.

"It isn't as great as last nights because you weren't there. Oh by the way Louis and Harry say the miss you loads, as well as Liam and Zayn and I miss you more than them of course."

"I miss you too Niall, wish I wa-" I was cut off by an ear piercing scream.

"You're still performing?"

"Yeah, I'm on stage now so I have to go, I'll phone you after the concert."

"Okay, sing well and don't miss me too much to mess up your words and guitar!"

"Haha, I'll try, bye Jamie."

"Bye Niall." I ended the cool and waited for the next ear piercing scream to come from next to me only, that didn't come.

"You need to close your mouth, its attracting flies." I said to Liana.

"He, he, he called you?"

"Yes he did. It's not that big of a deal!"

"That saying 'Good things come to those who wait' I believe it now! You've waited all high school for a relationship and babayam! So, what is he like?"

"His really sweet, I told him about my mom. He met Riley, they're like friends now and he cares and I love that about him." Liana is the only person other than Riley and Niall that know about what happened to my mom.

"You opened up to him? So soon?"

"The nightmares came back and I called Riley and he told me to go to Niall."

We pulled into the apartment and parked the car next my black VW Polo. I got out my bags and wheeled them up to the apartment. It was already 7 when we got home and I couldn't be happier to see my bed.

The apartment was surprisingly quiet and when I questioned Liana about this she said the girls are on this varsity camp thing and they only come back late tomorrow afternoon.

I walked to the kitchen and heated up one of the frozen pizzas. After I got that sorted I sat on the couch and turned on the tv only to find the reruns of one of the study help shows that Rebecca must have been watching. Scrolling through the channels, I saw the cricket was on, immediately watching it.

I heard my phone ring and I realized I must have fell asleep while watching the cricket. Niall's name flashed upon the screen and I answered it.

"Hello?" My voice sounding groggy.

"Do you know what the time is?" Niall's sweet ungroggy voice replied.

"No? Did I miss something?"

"Not really, well, right now it is 23:59 going on 12 in about fifteen seconds and I wanted to be the first person to wish you, and" there was a pause "Happy 21st birthday Jamie! Well, we're the same age now, and I'm wishing you all the best for the rest of the year, urh, I don't really know what to say in these type of situations. Wishing you all the best, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Niall, it really means a lot, I can't wait to see you tomorrow too, is it okay if I come to the airport? Text me details and I won't knock you over. Thank you for the call Niall it means a lot. Your call put a smile on my face, well your voice always does, but this is extra special. Holy shimmies, Niall Horan was the first to call and wish me on my birthday!"

"Yep," he said popping the p, "but don't tell anyone," I could hear that smirk on his face. Hear it! "I'll text you soon, sleep well Jamie. Night"

"Night Niall thank you for the call."

"No problem Jamie, happy birthday"

"Night Niall. "

The call ended and it took me a while to realize that I'm finally 21. A few seconds later, Niall's flight details came through, I placed my phone on charge and went to bed as a twenty one year old.

I woke up at five am, got dressed and left at five thirty to be at the airport at six. I guessed no one knew that the boys were arriving in five minutes. When the doors opened at the domestic arrivals when one of the security guards came through, I saw a glimpse of five guys laughing and running down the hallways. The doors closed again and then opened to see them walking, Niall saw me first and ran over to me . Causing me to stumble back.

He whispered in my ear happy birthday and that's when I saw it.


Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAYN! We love you❤️

Secondly, I HAVE A TWIN! neslihan14

Thirdly, I love you too! Until the next chapterrrr ✌️❤️

-Jamie 🐛🌞

The time traveller was still hungry after his last bite, so he went back four seconds.

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