Chapter 5

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Riley says that I should tell Niall what happened that caused me to have all these nightmares. I trust Riley and if he trusts Niall enough to tell him what happened that changed our lives then so did I.


"Jamie and Riley! Get out the room right now!" My mother yelled at us. Riley and I had just returned home from school after Thursday sports.

"Why? What's going on?" I shouted back in the direction of the main bedroom, where my mother's voice seemed to be coming from. Riley walked in front of me towards our parents bedroom. As Riley turned, his face went pale.

"Jamie let's go. We can't be here right now. Get our tog bags and meet me in the kitchen."

Riley instructed me.

*Flashback ends*

I know I can still remember every detail about that day all those years ago. I know this because every night I relive it.

Before tonight I have never tried to think about it or to even talk about it to anyone other than Riley. It wasn't hard to remember her or him. What was hard was saying words when the only sounds that would come out my mouth was the sound of me crying. Niall took my hand in his. His hand was cold but comforting."Shh Jamie. Everything is okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he said rubbing small circles with his thumb on my hand. I smiled looking at our hands intertwined.

"I want to. I just...I just need a minute to calm down," I said and took in a deep breath. "I remember how when she smiled everything seemed perfect and how sweet her voice sounded has she sang me to sleep every night, even when I told her I was to old to be sung to sleep. I remember how happy I was that day, I had scored two goals in the soccer match that day and one was the winning goal." Memories of hours of practicing with her and Riley flashed through my mind. I laughed as the tears ran down my cheeks. "He killed her. I watched the last bit of light fade from her eyes as she told me she loved us. I watched all the colour drain from her body only leaving her in a pool of lightblood." Niall squeezed my hand.

"Was she your mother?" Niall asked.

"Yes," I said in a near whisper and Niall pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. I inhaled his scent, filling my head with thoughts of Niall rather than my mother.

"I don't know what happened to my father after he killed her. Riley called the police saying our father killed our mother and they fetched the body later that night. They found my father walking past my school the next day and he was put into a mental hospital. Riley and I called all our relatives and friends who knew our mother and had a funeral the following week. I went to her grave as much I could, talking to her wishing she was here."

I rarely spoke about my mother, only because it brought memories. "Ri, I think I'm okay now, I'm sorry I woke you up" I said to the phone.

"Are you sure Jamie? I can just skip class or something."

"Riley! You are not skipping class now go to bed! Night!"

"Night Dobby!"

The phone went off and I heard Niall laugh. That cute laugh I could never get over, I'd hear it in the interviews and replay his laugh and smile like an idiot just hearing his laugh. "What are you laughing at?" I tried to say with a straight face.

"Nothing Dobby, " he replied emphasizing on the nickname Riley gave me. "Why did your brother call you Dobby?" Ahh, there it is.

"Are you ready for story time?" I asked him as I climbed under the blankets that were on Niall's bed. " I was about 6 when the first Harry Potter movie cam out and I watched it with Riley. In the movie Harry gives Dobby a sock, Dobby is set free when he is given clothes. Dobby says "Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf." The next day, my mom was cleaning the house and I was watching TV and she threw my sock I had on from the previous night to me and I shouted, "Dobby has no master! Dobby is free!" So that is how Riley called me Dobby." I told A hysteric looking Niall.

He just looked at me, as if he could see my soul. I did what I though was the right thing to do and stare back. The moment was soon disturbed when Riley sent me a message asking me if I was asleep. I groaned silently as I answered his message. Niall was still sitting on the end of his bed.

"I'll just sleep in your room. Night Jamie. Sweet dreams babe."

"Where do you think you're going?" I replied back to him. I came here for a reason, and that was because I needed another presence next to me and cuddling me. "Please stay" I said pleading to Niall.

"Are you sure? I can just sleep in your room."

Niall can be so daft sometimes.

"Niall James Horan, please move yourself over to this bed right now and cuddle with me." I said to him with a very serious tone.

He smiled and I felt the bed dip. I moved closer to him and slipped my arm across his torso as he slipped his arm over my shoulder. I sighed happily and felt my eyes close slowly slipping away from consciousness, hoping not to be awakened again.

For the first time in nearly six years I slept peacefully, without waking up from any nightmares.


Chapter 5!!

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