Chapter 8

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Dedicated to the amazing AnnaHoran45 ! Go to her profile to read her stories, it's the best, really! She's an amazing, wonderful writer! Love her! ❤️

'Incoming call from Unknown number' I answered the call anyway, might be some person saying I won something.
"Hi, it's Niall. Where are you? I'm worried about you" He hasn't even known me for 24 hours and he worries about me! Do you understand how this makes me feel? Nope? Oh well.
"Hi! Well, I'm perfectly fine. I'm at this guys house I haven't seen in ages! I might stay over here, I hope you enjoy the concert! Sing pretty! Bye!" I said briefly abc ended the call as I watched Niall's face change from worry to concern and anger and back to worry. I felt bad and guilty to say the least. Riley and I walked up to the stage.
"Niall?" Riley said, he looked hurt. What the hell did you do Jamie? Always seeming to mess it up, and even worse with Niall Horan.

"The girl I like, possibly in love with is out with some guy! She's even spending the night by him and she hasn't seen the guy in a long time! I care about her so much Riley!" Niall said looking at my brother.
"Are you, jealous that some dude is hanging out with my sister?" Riley replied trying to keep his wonderful acting skills together. Note the sarcasm.
"Riley. Jamie. She's joking isn't she?"
I jumped up onto the stage and ran to Niall. I hugged him and whispered in his ear, "I'm so sorry I made you worried! It was just a joke!"
"It's fine, I forgive you. I just, care about you a lot." he apologized. "Tell you what, I'll find out when I have a break and then we'll go for lunch, because I'm hungry!"
"Me too, would you like Riley to come with?"
"yeah, I'm going find out the break times quick." Niall walked offstage and I went on my mission to find my wonderful brother that remembers to pick siblings up at the airport.
I found the Riley sitting on one of the benches next to the stage.
"Ri, would you like to go with Niall and I to have lunch?"
"Nah, I'm good thanks. I don't actually feel like going out and I had lunch at the hotel. Enjoy the date" Riley winked.
"It's not a date. Love you!" I phoned Niall and he picked up the phone after two rings.
"I was just going to call you! I organized to have my break now. Where are you?"
"I'm walking to the parking lot. The same place where I dropped you this morning"
"Okay, see you now"
"Don't take long!"
I ended the call and got into Riley's car. Two minutes later Niall got into the passenger side.
"What would you like for lunch?" I asked Niall.
"I actually wanted pizza earlier, what do you think?"
"Pizza sounds good, there's a mall close by, we can go there?" I said as we drove out of the stadium. "You can turn on the radio if you want." I said, breaking the awkward silence we had in the car.
"Actually, I want to play 20 questions with you?" Niall asked hopefully.

*Niall's POV*

This ought to be good, finally getting to know her and not having to wonder what she's like.
"First question, what is your full name?" I asked, something simple.

"Jamie Leigh Parker. Leigh as in l,e,i,g,h. Next question?" She said.

"When is your birthday?" I asked her, something simple. It could be today or yesterday and I didn't know.

"I was born on the 31st March 1994,"
Shit, her birthday is in three days! See, if I didn't ask that, I would have never known.

"Hmm, it's your birthday soon!" I exclaimed.
"I know, don't remind me! I'm getting old Niall! Now, next question!"

"Right, where did you grow up?"

"I was born in Sydney and then we moved to Cape Town when I was about six months old and then moved back to Sydney when I was 15 after you know, the incident, and came back to Cape Town when I turned 19 to study at university. That might explain my mix between an Australian and a South African accent." I love her accent, the way she speaks, how every word she says seems to roll of her tongue. "Next question please" she said in the same tone as those machines that ask for the next customer at the tills.

"Favourite food and dessert?"
"Seriously? This is hardest question in the ever! Well, I like pizza and potatoes. For dessert, oh gosh. I can't even say, can we skip it please?" She was biting her lip, while concentrating on driving. I admired her, the way she feels that if she leaves a dessert out she'll feel so guilty.

"Sure, urhm" I hesitated, thinking of what to ask her next. "What is your favourite sport?"

"Why are you asking all the hard questions? Well, I enjoy watching and playing cricket, soccer, love to watch the rugby and some AFL, The Australian Football League and some golf now and then."

She keeps on making me fall for her more and more. "Favorite teams?" I asked her.

"Well, for cricket and rugby, I'd support South Africa and Australia, if they're playing against each other then Australia. I love the Hawks,"

"As in the Australian Football team wearing brown and gold?"

"Yeah! I'm definitely backing Hawthorn no matter what, but, I don't really have a soccer team, I watch it for the love of sport."

Not many people other than Australians know about Hawthorn and its rare to find someone who supports them or better yet know them.
"We're almost at the mall," Jamie announced. I began to panic, first time in South Africa, don't know what to expect at all, but then again, I'm up for an adventure. "Next question yeah? Where is your favourite holiday destination?"

"Well, I love Gold Coast, the waters nice, there's surf, can get a good tan and there's a coffee shop that has really good coffee. I also like the Victoria falls, absolutely magnificent. The Great Barrier Reef is beautiful too, going snorkeling and all."

I was about to ask her a question when I heard a car horn and then turned my head to see something I was dreading.
So we just found out more about Jamie!! What do you think of her? Comment below!

Love to read the comments! Really brightens my day!


Love you all lots!!

I wrote a song about a tortilla. Actually, it's more of a wrap neslihan14

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