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The weekend had passed and we had finally finished getting moved into our house. But now it was back to Monday and also the day of starting Riverdale High. It helped me feel a little better though that Jughead said he would show me around and let me sit with him and his friends. Over the weekend me and Jughead had hung out twice. We went to pops for some lunch, I, him and his little sister Jellybean and then we hung out a little when FP invited me and my mum over for dinner last night. 

After I finished getting ready I brushed my hair and did some make-up before packing my bag and going downstairs to be met with my mum setting chocolate chip pancakes on the table. She smiled over at me "Come on, I made your favourite" She said making me smile and set my bag down before taking a seat and digging in. "So, are you nervous?" She asked with a little smile and I took a drink of my orange juice. "A little yeah" I replied and she smiled softly "I'm sure you'll be fine and besides you'll have Jughead, he's sweet to help you" She said and I nodded "He is, anyway I better get going don't want to be late" I said wiping my mouth and standing up and she stood up to and brought me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you honey. Its been a tough year and you're so strong" She said gently and I smiled a little as we pulled away "Thanks mom" I said quietly and she smiled "Now go on before I cry" She said making me laugh as I went and grabbed my bag and headed for the door. "Bye love you!" I called out before the door closed and I began my walk to school. I let out a breath as I stood in front of my new school and was just about to start heading in when I heard my name being called "Betty, wait!" I turned around to be met with Jughead coming towards me and I smiled at him as he reached me "Hi" I smiled and he smiled back "Hey" He replied and just as he was about to speak again, three people, two boys and a girl ran up and all patted Jugheads back and a tall one wrapped his arm around Jugheads shoulder as they all smiled. "Jughead meet a new...friend?" The tall one spoke with a smirk glancing over to me and then back between the two others and Jughead glared at him. "One of my dads old friends moved back into town next door. This is her daughter Betty and I said I would show her around and let her sit with us" He said shrugging him off then he turned to me. "Betty these are my very good friends Sweetpea, Fangs and Toni. These two are both idiots but I love them anyway and she's..." He trailed of looking at the girl who raised her eyebrows at him "She is a badass who you shouldn't get on the wrong side of" He finished making me giggle and Toni roll her eyes playfully at him. "I'm Betty Cooper" I said with a shy smile and they smiled at me well apart from Toni, she kind of eyed me "Any friend of Jugheads is a friend of ours Betty" Fangs said and I smiled at him "Don't worry we don't bite" Sweetpea said and I laughed a little then looked at Toni hesitantly "Well we don't" Fangs said looking at Toni confused. I stepped back a little now feeling unwanted here by her. "Toni knock it off" Jughead said annoyed "Bettys nice and she's apart of us now ok?" He said eyeing her and she sighed quietly rolling her eyes "Got it" She mumbled before walking off and catching up with a red headed girl. "What's her problem?" I asked quietly and Jughead shook his head "Nothing she just has a hard time trusting people" He replied and I nodded quietly not saying anything else. "Alright come on lets go get your timetable and you to your first class before were all late" He said with a smile as I, him, Fangs and Sweetpea made our way into the school.


It was finally lunch. Turns out we all have some classes together which was good. I, Toni, Fangs and Sweetpea were all waiting at the lunch table outside for Betty. A few minutes passed when we saw her making her way over with her lunch. "Be nice" I said looking at Toni and she sighed annoyed "Yeah, yeah, whatever" She mumbled and I glared at her just as Betty got to are table and smiled at us. I moved my lunch tray over and slid over a bit and she smiled and sat down beside me. "So how has your first day been so far?" Sweetpea asked and she smiled over at him as she bit into an apple "Its been good, the teachers aren't that strict which is always nice" She said making us chuckle, apart from Toni. "So Betty, why'd you move here?" Toni asked with fake kindness in her voice and I saw Betty shift a little uncomfortably before turning to face her with a kind smile. "We wanted a fresh start" She said kindly and Toni raised and eyebrow "School started 6 weeks ago, why didn't you move here in the summer?" She asked "I don't know, it just wasn't the right time" She said quietly "Why? Did something happen? Are you and your mum running?" She joked and I banged the table glaring at her "Thats enough Topaz" I growled and then I felt a hand on my arm and I turned to see Betty with a sad smile "They should know" She said quietly and I frowned "You don't have to tell them if you're not ready" I said gently and she shook her head before turning to them. "I- my dad passed away nearly a year ago. He Oded on alcohol and I found him when I got back from school. Then my mum wasn't making enough money for the house and it felt weird being in that house so we moved. It was a quick decision. My mum got a job offer and and I said goodbye to my friends and that was it" she said quietly and I saw her eyes shine with tears but she quickly blinked them away. Under the table I gently rested my hand on top of hers and gave it a little squeeze and she gave me a small smile. "Betty I'm sorry, I-I didn't know" Toni said looking guilty and saddened "Its fine I get it. You have trust issues and out of nowhere I show up. Don't worry" Betty said with a kind smile and Toni smiled back "Were so sorry that happened to you" Fangs said gently and she gave him a small smile "Thanks" She said quietly and Sweetpea gave her a sad smile. "Right well enough of me. What about you guys?" She asked looking between us and we chuckled. "Well, we all live on the southside of town but still all got to go here. I live with my dad, my mum passed from cancer when I was 6" Sweetpea said and Betty frowned "Sweets I'm sorry" She said and leaned over and touched his arm and he gave her a little smile. "I live with my mum and younger brother who's five, near Sweetpeas house. My dad left a few years ago" Fangs said and Betty smiled sadly at him. "I live with my grandfather beside Sweetpea. After my mum found out I was lesbian she kicked me out and my dad left when I was born" Toni said and Betty frowned "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that" She said and Toni smiled a little. Then she looked at me and I sighed rubbing the back of my neck. I didn't really open up easily. "You don't have to tell me, it's ok" Betty said softly and I smiled a little "Sorry, I just have a hard time opening up" I said and she shook her head "It's fine Juggie" She said letting a nickname slip and I had to hide my grin. God damn it what was she doing to me? I don't fall in love. I never have. Love is a scary and dangerous game...I don't want to get caught in it.

I don't want to get caught in it

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