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A week had passed and it was a Saturday and I decided to explore a little bit since I haven't got the chance because of school and moving in. But before I do that I was face timing Kevin and Archie. "So how's life in the country side?" Archie joked making me laugh and roll my eyes "Its not a countryside Arch, and its actually really nice, I haven't gotten the chance to explore yet but I was thinking about doing that later" I said with a smile and they both nodded with smiles "Meet any friends?" Kevin asked knowing I had a hard time making friends. We have been bestfriends since I was like three so he knows this stuff. I smiled and nodded "Yeah, my mums old bestfriend has a son Jughead who's really nice and then I met his friends, Toni, Fangs and Sweetpea" I said and Archie laughed loudly "The hell are those names?" He chuckled and I glared at him through the screen "I don't know Archibald" I mocked and he looked at me annoyed. "Thats great B, I'm happy for you, hopefully we can come visit soon" Kevin said making me smile "Yeah I miss you two" I said with a little sigh. We continued talking for like another hour before we said are goodbyes and I put my shoes on and put a red flannel over my black tank top and put a note on the fridge telling my mum I was away out, she was at work but it was just in case. Then I put my phone in my pocket and left the house. 

I was walking for around 20 minutes. I had passed the high school and walked past pops and a few shops and the police station when I came to a sign which read 'Sweetwater river --->" and there was a path leading into a forest. I smiled a little. Back in New York there was this little forest area behind our house where I would go to get away from my mum and dad fighting. I would sit on a tree stump or at the bottom of a tree and read for hours savouring the quite. I started walking down the path and I was walking for maybe 10 minutes when I heard water so I started walking towards that when I came to a beautiful stream and a small lake. I smiled in awe looking at the water seeing small fish swimming around and then took out my phone and took a few pictures of the water and the scenery. I walked along the bank till I came to a large rock and sat down on it and let out a small sigh. I remember when my dad would take me to places like this and we would skip stones and fish, sometime actually catching stuff. All of a sudden I heard some branches break like someone was there and whipped my head around in the direction I thought it came from and I smiled seeing a smirking Jughead. "Stealing my spot Cooper?" He joked coming closer, I noticed he had his laptop under his arm and I giggled shaking my head. "No, I just decided to explore and came across this, do you come here often?" I asked and he chuckled nodding "Yeah this is where I come to hide bodies" He said and I raised my eyebrows making him laugh "Kidding, I come here to write, as much as I love my sister I dont get much peace and quiet to write in my house" He said as I moved to let him sit down beside me and I smiled. We sat in silence for a few minutes as he opened his laptop and started typing away. "Mind if I read?" I asked shyly and he smiled shaking his head "Go ahead" He said as he continued typing and I read as he went. "This is really good Jug, you're really creative and an amazing writer" I said with a smile and he stopped and looked at me a little shocked "Really?" He asked and I nodded and he smiled bashfully "Thank you" He said with a little smile before starting to type again. Whilst he typed away I stood up and went and looked for some flat stones to skim in the water. After I found some I started throwing them in and watched as they hopped across the lake before disappearing into the water. After a few minutes of doing that I went and sat back down beside Jug and let out a small yawn and Jug glanced over at me "Why so tired?" He asked with a little chuckle and I shrugged "Oh you know, watching Netflix and then getting carried away" I said with a smile. It was a lie though, the truth was I had about three nightmares about my dad last night and then I couldn't get back to sleep again. Some nights are worse than others, some I have one or two others I have three to five. I could tell in his eyes that he didn't really believe that but he nodded anyway "I know what you mean, one minute I'm writing and its 11pm and the next minute I look at the clock it's 1am" He said making me giggle. We sat there talking about random stuff for about half an hour when his phone rang and he took it out of his pocket and answered. "Hey dad, what's up?" He asked "Seriously?" He said with a little sigh "Yeah, I'll come home now, ok bye, see you soon" He said and hung up "Everything ok?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah, my dad has to go to work since someone is off sick so I have to mind Jelly" He said as he closed his laptop and put his phone in his pocket and stood up "Sorry" He said and I shook my head "It's fine" I said with a smile "Mind if I walk back with you?" I asked and he shook his head "Not at all" He said with a smile as we started walking.

After we got back we said goodbye and we went into our homes. I went up to my room and took off my shoes and used the bathroom before going downstairs and getting a drink then going up to my room and sitting at my window seat reading a book. A couple minutes passed when I glanced up and saw Jughead chasing his little sister around his backyard and I smiled. He had a big soft spot for that girl. I went back to reading my book for a few minutes when I heard something hit my window. Confused I looked down on the ground and saw Jughead grinning and holding Jellybeans hand who was smiling. Shaking my head with an amused look on my face I set my book down and opened my window "What are you doing?" I laughed and he chuckled "Care to join us? Jellybean spotted you and wanted you to come play" He said and I smiled and turned to look at the little girl who was giggling "Please BB?" She asked and I giggled at the nickname she had started calling me and nodded "Of course, I'll be right down" I said with a smile before closing my window and putting on my shoes and heading outside to be met by Jughead and Jellybean. They both smiled at me and I smiled back before we headed into his backyard. "Tag you're it!" Jellybean said excitedly as she tapped my arm and I laughed "Come get us Cooper!" Jughead laughed as he picked up Jellybean and put her on his shoulders and started running and I laughed as I started chasing them. I finally tagged Jughead on his back and he stopped and turned around breathing heavily and I laughed as he sat Jellybean down who giggled. "I need to work out more" He said breathlessly with a chuckle and I smiled. "BB can we play tea party?" Jellybean asked and I smiled then looked over at Jughead and he nodded and I turned back to Jelly "Of course" I said and she smiled taking my hand and led me into the house as Jughead followed. She led me upstairs into her bedroom and put her stuffed animals around in a small circle and put a plate and a teacup in front of them and then I sat down with my legs crossed and she smiled handing me a plate and a teacup. "Why thank you my dear" I said in a posh accent making her giggle and I could hear Jughead laugh since he was leaning against the doorway. "I'm going to go make some lunch, call me if you need anything" Jughead said and I smiled at him before he left downstairs. 15 minutes or so passed and I was sitting on a chair in Jellybeans room with her on my knee and I was reading her a book when Jughead shouted up that lunch was ready. "Come on, we can finish this later" I said as I set the book down and let the little girl of my knee "Ok" She said happily and I followed her out of her bedroom and downstairs and into the kitchen where Jughead was sitting at the table waiting for us. I helped Jelly into a chair before taking my seat beside Jughead as we all tucked into our grilled cheese sandwiches. 


After lunch I put Jellybean down for a nap and me and Betty sat down in the Livingroom watching some TV. "You're great with kids" I said to Betty as she smiled over at me "Thanks" She said with a little smile "So are you, I can tell you would do anything for her" She said making me smile "I really would" I chuckled. A few minutes passed when we heard a key in the door and then my dad walked in "I'm hom- Betty hi, I didn't expect to see you" He smiled and she smiled back "Hi Mr. Jones" She said and he chuckled "I told you it's FP" He said making Betty giggle "Right sorry FP" She corrected making me chuckle "Where's Jelly?" He asked "I just put her down for a nap" I said and he nodded with a smile "Thanks for minding her Jug" He said and I smiled "No problem dad, you know I don't mind" I said making him smile. "I better get heading home, my mum will be back soon" Betty said as she stood up "Alright, I'll see Monday" I said and she smiled "See you Monday, bye FP" She said giving him a hug and he smiled "Bye Betty" He said and with that she left. My dad then smirked over at me and I raised my eyebrows "You like her dont you?" He asked as he sat down beside me and I laughed "No of course not and besides, I don't get into relationships" I said as I stood up and he sighed looking at me "Jug what happened between your mum and me was a mistake ok? It wasn't meant to be and she was a bitch" He said "I can tell Betty isn't like that" He added making me sigh "I don't want to get hurt like you did" I said and with that I made my way upstairs and into my bedroom.

 My dad then smirked over at me and I raised my eyebrows "You like her dont you?" He asked as he sat down beside me and I laughed "No of course not and besides, I don't get into relationships" I said as I stood up and he sighed looking at me "Jug ...

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