- #7 [Topher's A Twat] -

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"get slick, get quick, wanna spend shit! ends with a sniff or a huff or injection.

i can't handle rejection, can't stand my reflection.

damn no one gets it."




[Y/N's POV - 1st/2nd Person]

It was finally a Friday. Since the party, Jaeden has surprisingly stuck to his word. I had no more beat ups.

I was in a good mood and I felt a little more confident in clothing choice so I put on something a bit out of my comfort zone.

I was in a good mood and I felt a little more confident in clothing choice so I put on something a bit out of my comfort zone

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I slipped my backpack over my shoulder and went downstairs. I'm a lot closer with Angela now. She's like my second Mum. I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing a breakfast bar and my keys off the table.

I left early for school as to buy lunch from the shops. I got a small salad and a monster.

The sun was shining and I actually felt happy for the first time in a while.

Lessons went quickly and swiftly. One main reason today was pretty good is because Jaeden stayed at home. He claimed he was ill but I'm not so sure that's the case.

Anywho, it doesn't bother me and I just accepted it. Tyler and the rest of the group left me alone. They know about how they aren't allowed to hurt me anymore. Besides, even if that rule wasn't in place, they still wouldn't. They never do anything without Jaeden telling them to. They are like his minions.

Once the school day was over, I walked home. I took in my surroundings carefully. Bright blue sky, green grass, tall trees. It really was beautiful when you looked closely.

I walked into the house and I saw Angela in the kitchen. She was making a cake.

"Hey Y/N! How was school?" She asked, brightly. She had small wrinkles printed on her face from smiling so much.

"Good! Watcha making?" I ask.

"I'm trying out this Victoria Sponge recipe." She said, pointing at a cook book that was laying out in front of her.

"Well, if you need me, I'm in the living room!" I say with a smile.

I sat down and watched End Of The Fucking World. I had recently finished Cobra Kai and this was what I had been wanting to watch for ages.

After 30 minutes, Angela told me that dinner was ready and to go see if Jaeden was well enough to eat.

I was walking up the stairs when I heard odd noises from Jaeden's room. I opened the door and was horrified.

"Jaeden do you fee-" I started. I screamed, which alarmed them. Jaeden was making out with a half naked girl. They quickly jumped off each other. I slammed the door shut and went downstairs, slowly.

"Y/N are you okay? What happened!" Angela asked me with a worried expression.

"Oh I u-uh, I just saw a spider, s-sorry" I stuttered. She gave me a quick hug and hurried back to the kitchen.

"Oh and Jaeden's n-not feeling too well. He doesn't want to e-eat yet." I lied with a smile.

Except Jaeden did  in fact feel well. Well enough to play tonsil tennis with someone. After dinner I went upstairs and read more of my book.

I heard my door creak open, I quickly shoved my book under a pillow. No one needs to know I'm reading that kind of stuff.

I turned around and saw Jaeden standing at the door.

"Can I help you?" I tilted my head while saying so.

"Um- yeah. I just wanted to say sorry for what you saw earlier, but you should knock." He said the last phrase harshly.

"Yeah well you shouldn't lie about being ill and then making out with girls." I shot back.

"Ok jeez I was just saying sorry. Don't be such a bitch." He shrugged.

I gasped. "And you shouldn't be such a man-whore." I said with a sarcastic smile.

(A/N: yes I know the term 'man-whore' is sexist but in this fic, Jaeden is dumb and lots of shit would have to be explained to him and I am way too lazy to type all of that. If it really bothers you that much, let me know.)

"God, I was just going to tell you something. Can't even do that, wow." He said and went to leave.

I grabbed his shirt. "Wait! Tell me! You can't just say you know something and don't tell me! That's like fucking someone and not calling them back." I gasp. For some reason, he laughs at this.

I didn't intend to be funny.

"Ok, basically my mate, Topher, is having a party and I wanted to make it up to you. Again. Do you wanna go?" He says, hesitating a lot.

"Topher?" I repeat. "What kind of a name is Topher?" I ask, ignoring his invitation.

"It's short for Christopher."

"Why doesn't he just call himself Chris, like a normal person?" I say, a cringing expression on my face.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask him." He shrugs.

"I'm not gonna ask him. Seems like a twat." I say with a straight face.

(A/N: I really hope someone recognises that dialogue otherwise I spent 30 minutes finding the script for no reason lol)

We stared at each other for a couple of seconds before bursting out laughing.

This is the first time I've laughed in years.

We straighten up and Jaeden repeats himself.

"So, wanna go?"

I consider it for a moment.

"Ok sure. Why not?" I respond.

"Alright, cool!"

"What time is it at?" I ask before he can leave.

"I think it starts at 7 so be ready by 6:30." He tells me.

"Ok thanks." I say.

Wow. My first party since I was 11.

I'll have no more than 2 drinks. Maybe 3? We'll see when we get there.

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