Chapter 4 Tyla Kai

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A few years have gone by and Choric and Elly have had a few interesting adventures. Choric even found out more about himself. He found out that he is more than he originally thought, and he has warmed up to Elly a lot to the point where he had feelings towards her but he did not say anything about it for fear of ruining it or being hurt again.

Looking around for Elysian, he says, " Hmm, where is she, seems I am rusty on my tracking skills"

For Elysian herself, the sight of Choric had made her feel nice internally. Each time she would see him, she was happy, and hearing his voice was relieving. She had felt this way before but this was different. "Hello, Choric." She was walking up to him with a smile on her face.

"Oh, there you are," He smiles then chuckles, "Thought I would have to go out and find you." He always found ways to get close and find out information without asking outright. "I knew a Chi once, he was nice to me and sorta explained how they are able to slither midair."

"A Chi?" She pretended like she didn't know what that meant, "Never heard that one before." She looks around the area before sitting, curling her tail around herself.

"A very wise and ancient race of dragons, there are different variations of chis, the one I met was an Ice Chi, second wisest to the Chinese Chi," He noticed her demeanor changed "I also heard that there is one bigger than my pet, is that true?"

"Well, I don't want to hide anything from you." She takes a deep breath, "I know you will find out soon enough, but yeah... I know more about them than you think because ..." When it came to revealing information she was reluctant and always had been. "I lived with one, with her." She looks at Choric. "I was raised by one."

"Hmm, I had a feeling you knew one at least, but I did not expect that," he looks away before his eyes change. "In a way, I know what it is like to be raised by another race, but for me, it was multiple races over the course of centuries."

"That's very cool, Choric." Elly notices. "Your eyes did the thing again, that's cool too." She tilts her head.

He thinks to himself, "It has been a few years, just do it" He looks at her with light blue eyes.

"Oh, you're sad?" She frowns and stands up. "You can always talk to me, I'm here for you."

He walks up and kisses her. "Not sadness, blue is when I feel love"

It didn't surprise her much that he did. She becomes flushed a little then looks at him. "You know, I think I like you too."

"Good, hehe, both of my personalities were gonna force me to if I did not"

She leans and kisses him back. "I do like you." She then nuzzles him. "I just wanted to be sure I did." Elysian backs away from him and smiles. Her tail sways slowly behind her.

His face softens and his scar heals. "Akna ru'shan"

"What?" She tilts her head again in confusion.

"It means " my loved one"

"Loved one." She raises her brow as she stares at him. "You speak a different language, I never heard of it." She perks up a little.

"Yes, the language is dead but I speak it from time to time," he sits and a barbed tail curls around him.

"You have to teach me sometime." She smiles at Choric.

"Yeah but even I have forgotten most of the wording. I will teach you what I remember," his eyes are a deep turquoise.

A large portal opens. "Huh," he looks out at the portal "Now that was not me" A continental black Chi slithers out of the portal.

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