Chapter 15 Double Trouble

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Choric is hunting in the grasslands for food to give to Elly and the egg. Meanwhile, Elly was impatiently waiting back home.

She felt small pulses coming from the egg and she nudges at it. "You sure are hungry. Hmm?" She looks around. "Your dad will be back soon."

Choric drops off a very large and toothy fish. "Slippery little danta, tried to drag me under and well, it got boiled inside so careful when you bite into it."

"Oh yes." Elly walks up to it and sinks her teeth into its flesh. She rips off a large portion of the meat and the steam rises out. "It's hot." She juggles with it for a moment before swallowing it.

Choric grips its side and rips out a large chunk then splits his jaw and swallows it in one go. "Hmm," He looks at the egg and his right eye becomes a light blue. "How soon do you think?"

"Not too long. Wouldn't be surprised if they hatched overnight." Elly glances over at the egg. "I can't wait to meet them."

Choric's right eye becomes multicolored and then back to blue. "Both are still alive, good, and I know which one has it but I can't remove it yet, sadly, but yes overnight wouldn't be unexpected. And I will take watch over it for tonight. If I can slowly chip it away overnight then by mid-morning it should be removed completely."

"Oh." Elly digs into her food again. "Okay. Anything besides killing my own sounds good to me." She nuzzles Choric.

"He won't be killed, he may feel empty but other than that unharmed." Choric goes quiet for a good amount of minutes. "I've had visions where my rage has a body but it has always been distorted and black. It has been clearing up as of late. Meaning... They need names. Hmm," Choric lays down and eats while thinking of a name for one of them. "Dayna is the only name popping up in my head."

"That's lovely." Elly smiles at Choric. "Elohim is what I'm thinking."

"Hmm a Tsuni name, it's nice. And the one who has my rage. So now that they have names they will be ready even sooner."

"I can't wait to see them. I'm elated." Elly nods, "How did you know it was a Tsuni name?" She tilts her head then curls her tail around their egg.

"The way it sounded, plus I..." the egg starts cracking. Choric looks at it. "Well now, talk about timing." Choric then proceeds to watch the egg as the cracks get bigger. "Plus I am good at guessing."

Choric's right eye becomes light blue and he warbles at the egg. The top falls off and two black dragons fall out.

Choric picks up the female and cleans her off. "Hello there, Dayna." Choric has Dayna in between his front legs and watches as she squirms trying to get off her back. Choric pushes her onto her stomach then cleans her back off.

Elly gasps and lowers her muzzle toward the baby dragon. The male was bigger than the female. She licks him clean and quietly trills at him.

Choric watches as they both grow rapidly over the next few days. One day Dayna starts shedding her scales and colorful ones replace the fallen black ones. "You two grow fast for dragonets." Choric is keeping a watchful eye on Elohim, so Choric can remove the rage inside Elohim. "A little too fast if you ask me." Choric chuckles then lays down and Dayna perches on one of his horns.

"You are quite comfy, Dad, which is surprising given your build." Dayna lays on Choric's horn and falls asleep. Choric continues to watch Elohim, waiting. Dayna then starts hanging by her tail off of Choric's horn. "Hmm, seems we have a little me on me." Choric looks at Elly then gets up, walks over, and nuzzles her.

"Isn't it funny how they are similar to us?" Elly smiles and looks at the young dragons. Elohim was similar to Elly in personality, he was much more quiet and serious.

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