Chapter 16 Void's Demise

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Choric wakes up, yawns and stretches, then goes and drinks from a small river and is listening all around him. All he hears is nature and nothing out of the ordinary. He then shakes his head, disappointed. Fear walks up in his wolf form and drinks then looks at Choric. "Deran's back isn't he? How... how is he?"

Choric looks at Fear, then sits and motions for him to. "He is better and knows his race, so I was correct when I guessed he went to find his race. He is also sure of himself too, which is good. And I don't know if he has visited Persephone or not."

Fear nods and turns to head back. "Fear, watch the pups if you ever have any, it will give you the best feeling you can feel." and to that, Fear nods and walks off into the forest.

Choric flies back with a few deer and cows. He then lands and sets the food down then sits and closes his eyes, meditating.

Choric sees that Elly and the kids are gone so he burrows down and looks around the burrow then flicks his tail and reveals a small passageway on a sidewall which he walks through and it closes behind him. Choric walks into a forging room and the bottom of his claws then start glowing and he goes to work making something.

A few minutes later, Choric comes up and sees Elly and the kids are back and eating. He walks up and sits beside Elly and she leans onto him. He waits until they are finished and then speaks. "I made these for you two while you were with your mom." Choric hands a gold and silver bracelet to Dayna and a golden horn ring for Elohim, to which Elo puts it on his horn.

Choric's chest scales part away to reveal a bright red and silver amulet. Dayna notices and looks at it with an almost trance-like stare. "Woah that's pretty. Did you make that?"

Choric chuckles. "No, it was made for me by a human. Supposedly it was to be a charm but I took a liking to it, and kept it... I do not know why I took a liking to it in the first place." He then shows them a burnt ring and Elo perks up. "Who made that?"

"I don't know it's something I salvaged a long time ago." Choric's chest scales go back and hides the amulet and he puts away the ring. "Elo before you go, tell the one you stalk I said hi."

Elo tenses up then goes back to his normal stance. "I am not stalking anyone."

Dayna sniffs then looks at him. "You just lied to Mom and Dad, Elo, have you no shame?" Dayna giggles then stops when she notices Choric's right eye becomes a light red. "Dad? Are you ok? Your eye just became red."

Elo looks and sees Choric's red eye, then starts growling. Choric shakes his head and his pupil turns normal and his eye turns grey. "Huh, oh sorry, I was having a vision." Dayna walks out from under Elly then walks up and headbutts Choric in the chest then keeps her head there. "Don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry, Dayna, I did not mean to scare you, I can not control when I have visions. Did my eye color change?" Choric picks her up and holds her in his wings.

"Yes, they were red. It scared me." Dayna is shaking in his wings. Choric thrums and Dayna relaxes and then speaks. "No matter my eye color I am still me and I will never hurt you."

"He wouldn't hurt me or you, Dayna trust me, and if he did he would never forgive himself." Elly walks up and Elohim goes to sneak off. Choric looks at him and he stops and walks over. "Have you seen a female you like out here?"

"No." Elo turns his head away.

"Well," Choric drags the word out. "I stalked your mother for a while but she never knew, and I am glad I managed to even speak to her after a while. It was... relieving to speak with someone even though I still never talked right and sorta spoke in riddles." Choric shakes his head. "Do not ask why I spoke that way, not even I know why."

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