Chapter 9 Parenting

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Choric and Elly end up having an egg together and a few days go by and Choric has been watching it for days on end. Elly lands with some food, sets it down, and frowns at him.

"Choric, you need to eat soon, or else you won't see it hatch."

Choric sighs. "Ok, I'll eat but just so I can see it hatch." Choric gets up and takes some of the food and sets it down in front of him and goes back to watching the egg while eating.

Elly lays down beside him and eats the rest of the food she brought. "You know it will take a few months, right?"

Choric gets confused. "It takes a few months? Huh... well, uh, it only took a few days for mine to hatch according to Mother."

Elly just looks at him. "That is what I saw, either that or Tyla told me."

Choric looks back at the egg, then softly nuzzles it. "Hmm, there is one name I have been saving for a child of my own."

Elly looks surprised. "Oh really, tell me what it is."

Choric looks at Elly. "Starrise, but Star for short."

"Star... I like it"

The egg pulses and Choric notices. "Seems she likes it"

Elly looks at the egg also. "Yeah, guess so."

A couple of months go by and Choric has started keeping the egg warm with his own body heat, while Elly hunts for food, but she does try to get him to get food but he won't move.

Elly lands and looks at him. "Choric, you don't need to be around it all the time, you just need to keep it at a steady temperature."

"I know but... I don't want to leave this child behind."

Elly's expression changes. "What do you mean by this child?"

"I have had children in the past but I left before they could see me. I had no interest in being a father back then, so I left and just went my way and never went back so this time I'm staying to watch this one grow"

Elly wasn't that surprised but she still was caught off guard by that. "Oh, well that's why you are staying around the egg so much, you want to see it hatch."

Choric looks up at Elly. "Yeah, I have seen eggs hatch before but never one of my own. This one is special to me. It is more important than me needing to eat, remember that I survived on just mice most of my adulthood." The egg pulses a few times. Choric notices and nuzzles the egg, warbling to it. "My little flower"

A few years go by and the egg hatched into a beautiful dragoness named Star, who takes after Elly in looks, but mostly Choric in scale durability. One day, Choric is laying down sleeping and Star decides to jump him.

Star pounces at him, but Choric catches her and cleans the dirt off her. "Dad!!! No cleaning me, I'm not that dirty." Star starts pouting, then sees Elly. "Mom help me!!! Dad is giving me a bath."

"Hey, you decided to pounce at me. So if you don't want a bath then you have to be quicker and not pounce at me, because I will catch you." Choric sets her down and watches her run and jump into a mud puddle. "Star I just..." Choric sighs then smiles when he sees Elly walk up beside him.

Elly smiles back and nuzzles him. "I heard you gave Star a bath. Did she try to pounce on you with her dirty claws?"

Choric chuckles then nuzzles back. "Yeah, and I cleaned her." Choric looks at Star. "Huh?" Choric sniffs then looks behind him to find a small dragonet. Choric gets up and carries him back. Star and Elly watch as Choric sets him down.

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