Chapter 18 Death of A King

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Choric is standing watching the storm above come towards him. All of his personalities land and look at each other. Deran is the first to speak. "Is this how we meet our end?"

"No, just me, I made sure of it when they left. Now go. This is my fight alone."

Fear places a claw on Choric's shoulder. "You think I would allow you to have all the fun? You're our king and as such we are gonna fight alongside you," Fear looks back.

"And so will all of your people" Onyx walks up and behind him are millions of Otas. "Family fights together right? Well I told Star to take our kid and go with Elly."

"Good, and you all shouldn't have to fight. But how will..." Choric thinks then looks at his personalities. "All of you can hold the same amount as me correct?"

"Yes and a bit more," Venom answers then looks at the black masses in the sky. "Well, if this is how we go then there may be a few of us who need to confess. It will help you fight better." Venom walks into the crowd.

"Fear, Silver, I am gonna get you back to your mates that I guarantee. Well here we go." Choric, Fear, Deran, Venom, Silver, and Dante, all open their wings which become void and all the other dragons walk into their wings.

Choric, Fear, Silver, Venom, Deran, Dante, and Plague fly up and a bright golden flame crown ignites on Choric's head causing his left eye to be restored and both eyes to become cracked with smoke pouring out. He now speaks as if from thousands of other bodies. "What brings you all here today?" Choric smiles with his jaw already split and arches of lightning coming off all over him.

One of the black masses moves forward and speaks through all of the masses. "We heard that you are the strongest in this universe. So we came to test that."

Fear looks at Choric and chuckles. "Choric, you have to quit fighting everything you see. But I think this will slide over easily."

"You... take this as a joke? We do not understand why you find this amusing."

"Because I do not take any fighting seriously, in fact none of my kind did. Reason why is because they killed others when they couldn't express it in any other way." Choric rolls his eyes, then they all open their wings and nothing seemed to happen.

Their wings then become normal except Choric's. His start burning brightly with blue RA and his throat starts glowing white, causing some scales to fall off. Deran is the first to notice.

"Uh guys, what is happening to him."

"You will see shortly, Deran. And also revert back, you will have to. All of you will." Then they all become nightmare-inducing dragons.

"So all you are is tricks..." the mass starts to move forward then backs up. "No, you are powerful. Yet you are holding back. Hmm, so shall we begin."

"Yes, we shall begin." and with that Choric roars and his wings flashes, blinding a few of the black masses and he takes out the one in front of him then moves on to the next one and so on.

After a few minutes Choric realizes that they are holding back too. "Guys, head back, I need to finish this."

"No, we are staying here with you." Dante growls, then realizes why he said that. "Very well. Head back!!!!" Choric warps them back onto the planet then turns to the black masses.

"I need to get them all around me." Choric's eyes become normal then ignites with blue RA and slowly starts glowing with the same aura and heads straight into the black masses.

As he is going through them his wings start burning off and his scales continue to fall off. He also starts thinking to himself. Well this will be my final fight, I knew that I would die fighting, but I had hoped that I would die with Elly instead of fighting. Well here I go, my soul is safe. I should send the message before I die.

Choric is now completely surrounded by the black masses. He closes his eyes then curls up and begins to become engulfed in his own powers and every single mass around him begins to ignite and melt away. Then he uncurls rapidly and explodes, wiping out anything else around him.

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