Chapter 6 The Primal Gardens

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A few days go by, then one day, Choric and Elly are talking about powers and Choric mentions dream walking.

"I am able to walk in other dragons' dreams... and/or thoughts and memories."

"Oh really? You should go into one of mine because I've been having the same recurring dream. It's always at a place, the same place and it feels all too familiar but I can't really remember seeing it." Elly was laying "Maybe you can tell me what it could be."

"Ok, I will" he closes his eyes and delves into her mind to find himself in a very familiar place. "This is the Primal Gardens, I was a primal before you met me"

"This is familiar to me too. I feel like I've been there." The place is full of rocks, waterfalls, and greenery. "It's pretty and I just can't believe I don't remember it."

"I wonder if she still lives," He walks towards stone pillars and looks around. "Akta Aki, you here?" A small red and gold Chi slithers down and curls around his neck.

"She's a chi!" Elly looks at her.

"Choric!! How are you here?"

"Dream walking, and she is a mini Chi. Elly, you're having a living dream."

"Dream walking? I am still surprised you are still living."

"Then... this place is real, in real-time." Elly looks around, then wanders off. The sense of familiarity raised curiosity in her.

"Yes, it is real, I used to be one of the primal Guardians. I was... replaced easily, because they needed a lightning primal." Aki's expression changes from happy to a kinda sad one. She uncurls and slithers to the ground.

"Choric, the one who replaced you is a..." A huge black and purple wyvern lands and sees Choric.

"Oh, thought I smelled a mistake. Why have you come back?"

"Careful kid, I left because I did not find this amusing"

Meanwhile, There were tons of collapsed stone pillars and pedestals. It was very weird to have them here. Elly sees some carvings in some of the stones. "Wonder what that means." She stares at it then continues and it leads to more fallen stone fragments. "What even?" She inspects it and then walks off. "This place is so cool."

"Oh, so that is the damage they said he did"

Elly spreads her wings and flies above to get a view of the whole place. She sees the familiar mountains. "I know these." She decides to fly around them, and they looked sharp. "Hmm.."

"The Jagged Mountains? So you were here before. Apparently, a minor battle happened and well, this is what is left from it"

"Must have been ages before me. I have vague memories of here and I know for a fact that they were like this." She circles back around and dives to fly lower.

"No, it was only a few years ago" Aki speaks up. "I heard Tyla yell a name then silence."

"So you are only a few centuries younger than me" Choric turns to look at the large wyvern. "And if I must teach you to respect those older than you, I will"

"How? You are small and small ones are weak" Zephyr laughs quietly "you were banished because you were a risk"

Choric turns into a larger wyvern and has lightning sparking off of his scales. His voice deepens and is more aggressive. "Learn your place Sparky because I can out-power you easily"

" Do not call me Sparky" he growls and his wings spread out.

"You're challenging me? Huh, this should be good." Choric does the same but has his barbed tail raised ready to strike. "You attack first Sparky"

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