Chapter 7 Strange Dreams

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       Choric wakes up and looks at Elly, who is still asleep, then softly gets up and goes to a small river. He is washing his face when he hears a strange noise creeping up behind him, but when he looks there is nothing there. "Hmm," Choric goes back and drinks some water and the noise starts up again. He flicks his tail and it creates a loud pop, like a whip, and the noise stops once more. But when he turns around, there is a blur in front of him. It starts speaking with a distorted voice.

"Hello, Deathwing, this is a bad time to be out."

"Hmm, not really, this is actually when I hunt, so"

"Hmm, for a dragon who is about to be killed, you are awfully calm."

Choric chuckles. "And for a dragon hunter, you are very cowardly, hiding behind a distortion. But brave for going after the last one.

The dragon pulls out a sword and aims it at Choric. "Prepare to die, Deathwing" Choric looks and smirks.

"Really you think a sword will hurt me? You are dumber than I thought. Come back when you think you can kill me without a sword." Choric slams his tail down and breaks the sword.

The dragon starts growling aggressively. "You are gonna pay for that." Choric goes back to drinking the water and minding his business. "You... you're ignoring me"

"Yep, so go away so I can drink in peace." Choric doesn't notice that the dragon sniffed the air.

"Hmm, you have a mate," it chuckles. "How about I go after her? Hahahaha."

Choric whips around and he is gone. "Oh no," Choric warps back to Elly. He sees her on her side sleeping. "Hmm," He nudges her then smells blood. His eyes widen and he turns her on her back to find her bleeding. He wakes up snarling.

Elly wakes up and looks at him. "Choric, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thought I heard something."

Elly sits up still looking at him. "Now if something was bothering you, you would tell me right?"

"Yeah," Choric looks around and sees nothing. "It was a vision I didn't like"

"Oh," Elly decides not to ask what it was about. "Well, I'm sure it won't happen, so don't worry"

"My visions are possible futures and they vary in how long from now."

Elly nuzzles him. "With you around, do you think I will get hurt?"

"Even I can't be in two places at once."

"That is true but you know I hardly leave your side." Elly starts to comfort him.

"In the dream, I... went to a small river and started washing my face when a noise started up behind me."

"What did it sound like?" Elly is listening intently.

Choric makes a strange buzzing noise. "Something similar to this. But when I turned around it stopped but started up again after I started drinking the water, so I whipped my tail and it stopped again, but when I turned around again I saw a blurred dragon. And I just went back to drinking the water and broke the sword it aimed at me then it threatened you and when I turned back around it vanished and well... killed you while you slept."

"Wow, so it was a vision, or was it just a nightmare? Were you able to move freely?" Elly has a worried expression.

"Perhaps it was just a nightmare. Usually, I am able to sense it coming and stop it in the vision, but this felt different as if I knew the blur, or will know in the future..." Choric's pupils dilate then he shakes his head and brushes the thought away. "But you're right it probably was just a nightmare."

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