Chapter 1

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My life was simple.

I lived in a simple little town.

Lived in a simple little house.

Worked a normal job at a local hospital.

I didn't have many friends but I'm ok with this.

I typically do not go out, as I'm very much a home body.

I'm also not the prettiest. I guess one would call me average.

I do love my normal life. It's so simple. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Little did I know my simple little life was going to turn completely upside down.


I yawned, finishing up my shift at the hospital. "Hey Angie" Chris, a coworker, said. I rolled my eyes. "What do you want?" I hissed.

You may think I'm mean. But let me tell you all about good old Chris boy.

Hes a fellow RN like myself. We took the same classes. Graduated the same time. Got a job at this hospital at the same time. Hes great at his job. But his personal life is terrible.

Literally every girl we had class with, hes had sex with. He hooks up with people from bars all the time. Hes what would be the hospitals fuckboy. And hes been trying to date me for a year now.

Now, people are free to do as they wish as long as its consensual. The only problem is I do not want to date a fuckboy and he knows it. I'm probably the only female in this hospital- other then the older ladies and possibly married women- who have never slept with him.

Chris was leaning against the counter while I sat at my desk typing. "Theres a new restaurant that just opened up not far from here. I heard its good."

I closed down my computer and stood up. "Thanks for telling me. I'll have to look into taking my boyfriend with me."

With a huge smirk plastered on my face, I began walking away. "That's a lie! You don't have a boyfriend! Just let me take you out!" He yelled out.

I shook my head, completely ignoring him and going into the locker room.

The people coming in for shift change was finishing up with getting ready. A few of them said hello to me. I nodded in response to them.

Opening up my locker, I smirked at the pictures plastered all over it. "Oh would you stop admiring those korean boys" a voice said. I looked over to see my coworker Leah laughing. She was one of the only other people I could tolerate. She too has not slept with Chris, considering her husband would not approve and she was just as annoyed by him anyway.

"But they're so handsome" I replied with a laugh. She chuckled and sat down next to me. "Ok ok. They are kind of cute. Especially this one" she said, pointing to Namjoon.

Judge me all you want, I love me them Kpop boys.

"Which one is your favorite again?" She asked. I pointed to his bright and shining face. "My bias. His name is Jung Hoseok. Hes so sweet." She hummed in response. "Well then. Do you wanna go grab a drink with me? It's been hard for both of us today. We could definitely use it."

I shut my locker and smiled at her. "Count me in."


We walked to the bar, which was only 15 minutes away. Both of us looking like hot messes in our scrubs. We took a seat at the bar, ordered up two Jack and cokes, and began chatting away.

The alcohol kept coming, which eased all of my stress from work today.

Talking with Leah was wonderful. We strayed away from talking about work and instead talked about our personal lives. It was refreshing to feel like I had a friend.

I learned she has been married to her husband for 6 years now, however they have been dating since high school. She only moved here to this small town a year ago so they could be closer to her husband's family. I told her how I've lived here my whole life, how I have minimum friends and never dated anyone. Also how I didn't really have family. "Hey it's ok. That just means you are more of a loyal person to your friends."

After a couple of glasses of alcohol, we decided to call it a night. Both of us were pretty tipsy at this point. Leah called her husband Lee to come get her. "Let us give you a ride home. I don't want you to walk home." "No it's ok. I don't want to be a bother" I said. Leah put her fingers to my lips. "Hush. You are not. I insist."

After much debate, I agreed to let them take me home. While we were waiting outside, a black SUV pulled up. A tall, brown haired man got out of the driver side. "Hey baby. This is my coworker Angela. We are going to take her home. Angela, this is my husband Lee" Leah slurred. Lee chuckled and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. Let's get you ladies home."

Lee held open the door for me, letting me climb in then he helped his wife in the front seat. I gave him directions then leaned my head on the window.

It was hard to keep my eyes open along the ride. But luckily soon enough we pulled up into my driveway. "Thank you so much guys" I said. "Anytime dear" Lee replied smiling. Leah climbed out to give me a hug. "Get sleep, eat in the morning, and drink lots of water. I'll see you tomorrow at work." "You follow your own advice too" I said laughing. I waved, watching them back out of the driveway.

After taking a shower and changing into my Mang pajamas, I clumsily climbed into bed after setting my alarm. I was going to read but when the words got wavy and weird I settled for watching some Run BTS.

Halfway through the second episode I was watching, I fell right asleep.

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