Chapter 21: Lies

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I'd been up for a minute or so when I decided to ask Spencer what was going on. I could see the soft glow of his phone light.

"Spence? It's 3 in the morning," I rolled closer to him, "What are you doing up?"

"I just had a bad dream, I'm okay," he said.

I knew he was lying, but I decided I'd ask him in the morning. "Okay, will you wake me up if you need anything."

"I will."


I woke to Spencer kissing down my neck, his arms around my waist. He nipped at a spot behind my ear, making me hum.

"Good morning, baby," I smiled.

"Morning," he whispered, still kissing down my neck, "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, "You?"

"I woke up for a bit because of a dream, but I slept well," he answered.

"Are you sure? I thought I saw the light of your phone," I asked, turning to him.

Spencer shrugged, "Just read for a while to calm myself down."

I kissed him, "As long as you're sure."


Message from: Garcia
Hotch just asked me to "make sure Lacey Felix is dead" – do you know what's up?

Message to: Garcia
No... Reid woke up last night + was on his phone – maybe texting Hotch?
I thought she died.

Message from: Garcia
I did too, haven't found anything to prove otherwise.
Do you want me to keep you updated on what I find?

Message to: Garcia
Please do, thanks


Message to: Hotch
Has Spencer punched anyone yet?

Message from: Hotch
No, luckily – I've made sure he deals with them as little as possible for the rest of the case

I snorted as I unlocked the door and shepherded the kids inside. They ran to make themselves afternoon snacks.

Message to: Hotch
Are you going to tell me why you asked Garcia to make sure Felix is dead?

I watched the dots move as Hotch typed his answer. When I didn't get another message for a good minute, I turned off my phone and sat down to have a snack with Maeve and Tobias, who were chattering away about their day.

"I'm going to go get coffee. After all of that, I need it."

I walked out of the courtroom, glancing back at Spencer to let him know I'd get him a cup too. I turned down the hall to walk towards the little café. I heard the gun. I heard his voice.

"Hello, bitch."

I leaned forward as I kicked him, then spun around to aim the gun away from me. I barely even registered the gunshot. I pulled him in as I punched him, feeling his nose crack on impact.

Where was she?

"Mom?" Tobias said, "Are you okay?"

I blinked, and I was back in the kitchen, Maeve and Tobias looking at me, their food finished.

I nodded, "Just got lost in my thoughts for a second, sweetie. Now, clear your plates and get started on homework, okay?"

They nodded and did, running over to their backpacks to pull out the worksheets. I took out my phone.

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