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"The train is arriving in less than 5 minutes. All passengers please get ready" a loud voice beamed through the speaker. The seemingly crowded station got busy as people shifted from their seats to stand by the railway, waiting for the train to arrive.

The venom squad gathered in a circle to say a few words before their leader and marksman make their departure.

"Don't forget to get us some souvenirs when you come back" Said Harley, who was clinging on tightly to Hanabi's arms.

"Alright, kid, alright" The ravenette smiled fondly at the younger member and ruffled his black locks.

"Don't touch the hair!"

The squad bursted out a laughter.

"Please stay safe, you two. We'll miss you"  Angela said with a hint of worry in her soft voice.

"Will do. Take care of the members when I'm gone. Don't trash the whole place" The leader chuckled.

"We're grownups, you know? Stop babying us" The magician pouted.

"Grownup, my ass. Aren't you like, 10?"  Said Gusion sarcastically.

Before the two could argue any further, Hanabi butted in. "Alright guys, no time for bickering. The train's almost here. Let's go" she picked up her suitcase. Gusion did the same.

The three remaining members waved their hands up to bid goodbyes as the two left. Gusion and Hanabi got into the train and found a comfortable seat for two. In a couple of minutes, the train took off and set to their destination, the city of scholar commonly known as Antoinerei.

"Great, we're finally free from those troublesome brats. Even if it's just a little while" said Gusion as he made himself comfortable on the leather seat.

"You said that, but I'm sure you care for them very much and treat them like your very own kids" Hanabi replied.

Gusion let out an amused chuckle, astonished by his comrade's remarks. "I'm just doing my job as the leader, you know. It's not like I have a soft spot for them"

Hanabi rolled her eyes. "Sure, and pigs can actually fly"

Not knowing how to reply, the caption just smiled and looked away out the window, though the train was speeding too fast for him to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

There was a long silence between them. Not a suffocating one but a comfortable silence. It was as if both of them were pleased and enjoyed being in each other's company despite not doing anything special in particular. It took a short while for Gusion to gently brushed his palm on of Hanabi's and clasped their hands together, intertwining them to seek her warmth, to which the female gladly obliged.

A crimson blush slowly creeped up Hanabi's cheeks. She wanted to laugh at herself at the irony. They have done way more, and crossed so many lines. Yet, such simple actions as holding hands still made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside like a teenage girl experiencing her first love.

Gusion noticed and made an attempt to tease her for it. But Hanabi sensed it and squeezed his hands, signaling him not to say anything. The silence carried on throughout the way before something crossed the raventte's mind.

"So...what do we do once get there?"

"Apparently, there's someone waiting for us at the station. A friend of Claude's. He's probably the one we're gonna stick to the most here, to show us around and stuff" Gusion replied.

"Hopefully he wouldn't be an ass" she muttered.

"Considering he's a friend of Claude... he might as well be"

"Are you implying that you are, in fact, an ass too then? Since your pretty close with Mr. thief himself" the female leaned in and grinned, a mischievous smirk on her face.

Gusion just rolled his eyes in fake annoyance. The white haired knew that he was, indeed, an ass. But will he ever admit that and say it out loud? Nope.

"Have some respect for me, Hana. You might be special, but that for change the fact that I'm still your captain, you know"  he scoffed, a tiny pout on his lips which the female found very cute but decided to keep it to herself.

Thankfully, the bickering stopped and they continued the rest of the journey peacefully.


After getting off the train, the two wandered around the station, searching for a certain guy who was supposed to be their guide.

"Are you sure this isn't just another one of Claude's pranks?" Hanabi was getting skeptical about the situation. They have been there for a while, yet there was no signs of anyone coming to greet them.

"He wouldn't do something like this as a joke" Gusion replied. "Just stay where we are now. The guy's probably looking for us"

And he was right. Around ten minutes later, a man came jogging towards them with a smile plastered on his face.

"Hanabi and Gusen am I right?" The friendly guy stood in front of them and offered his hand.

"Gusion" the captain corrected, talking the man's hands for a handshake. "And you must be Cluade's friend"

"Ah, yes. Nice to meet you. My name's Chou. The best fighter you could find in Antoinerei" said the man with a proud smile on his face.

"Well aren't you a confident one... hopefully you're useful enough to get us places around here" Hanabi said.

"But of course I am milady, I promise I'll show you guys a good time here!"

"Actually, we aren't here to have a good time" Gusion said, picking up his suitcase and stood up. "We're here for business, so let's not waste time"

Chou stood silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "Geez, why are you both so grumpy? Ah, I know, the long train ride must've drained all your energy huh? Don't worry, I'll get you guys settled in for some rest then we can start the tour!" He chirped happily and led the pair out of the station.

"Damn, you talk a lot" Hanabi sighed and followed behind.

Gusion's tired eyes watched Chou as he kept on rambling about how great of a city Antoinerei was. Call him delusional, but the assassin has been getting bad feelings about this new character recently introduced to his life.


Heyy I'm backkk still safe and alive!! Sorry for the long wait hopefully y'all still enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for your patience ^^


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