-Episode13-[What We Are]

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*Third Person P.O.V*

"I'm sorry, I really don't know how Hayabusa got the information of our whereabouts" Hanabi muttered while shaking her head.

The leader sighed in response. "We better be careful from now on. I've got a feeling that bastard's up to something"

Nephila nodded, her eyes still refused to look up to meet Gusion's violet ones.

"Let's put that aside for now. I have some unfinished business to deal with you" he said and sneaked his arms around her naked body, lifted her up bridal style. Hanabi's face flushed bright red. Not even bothered picking the clothes off the floor nor turning off the lights, the white haired assassin walked casually out with the maiden in his arms. Gently, he placed her body on the soft mattress and hovered over. Hanabi's eyes were opened, looking up to meet the male's, begging him for mercy. Gusion seemed to get the idea. "I ain't sparing you tonight, my little spider" he said in a whisper and lowered his head down and took a bite on her soft neck. Hanabi clenched her fists together and let out a slight whimper as Gusion bit into her skin harder and sucked, leaving a clearly visible red mark on the spot.

But that wasn't enough. Gusion continued to suck on the spot of her upper breasts. Hanabi squeezed her eyes shut. Her hands gripping on his shoulders tightly to express that she was in pain which wasn't much of Gusion's concern. The only thing in his head, was to tame her, to make sure she would never disobey him again.

"Now, tell me who you belong to" Gusion demanded in a strict tone relative to a teacher asking the students where their homework had gone.

"You.." Hanabi answered breathlessly.

"And what's my name?" He continued.

"Gusion Paxley"

The assassin let out a chuckle. "Geez you can leave the last name, you know. My family name disgusts me" he said, then continued what he had been doing, leaving hickeys all over his comrade's body.

Hanabi moaned in pain, yet still refusing to complain as she knew that would lead to deeper consequences.

"Turn over" he demanded.

"M-My back as well?" With trembling voice, Hanabi muttered.

"I need to mark you all over everywhere so you wouldn't dare to defy me again" with that statement, Gusion grabbed her shoulders and flipped her body over so that her back was facing him. Without wasting any time, he continued sinking his teeth down on her soft, delicate white skin. 

Nephila whimpered, gritting her teeth as a sign of pain. Her eyes were watery, her fingers tightly clenching on to the bedsheet.

Gusion however, didn't stop. For some reason, seeing her at this state makes him even more aroused and he surely enjoyed seeing her in pain.

"Please..." Hanabi finally begged. "Please stop.."

"Why should I?" He replied.

"I've learnt, okay? I won't...I won't displease you again"

"You are displeasing me by talking back right now"

"I'm sorry" she shut her eyes, enduring the pain she was receiving. She loved him, she knew that more than anyone. She would do anything just to keep being by his side. That idea was stupid and dumb and it wasn't like something she would do, but she realized she had fallen so deep there was no going back from this devil.

Gusion kept up the process until red marks was planted all over the maiden's body. She experienced so much physical pain her skin felt numb already.

"Now you know what you're not allowed to do, right Nephila?"

She sniffed and nodded as a response. Gusion sighed and lifted up the soft white blanket to wrap it around Hanabi's body and pulled her into hug.

"Cold?" He asked.


"Move closer"

Hanabi cuddled herself up against Gusion's chest as he patted her head softly. The warmth of his body made Hanabi feel better and eased the swirling emotions inside her.

"Hey, Gusion"


"I'm curious..."

"About what?"

"What exactly am I to you?" She moved her head up to face him, looking directly into his beautiful violet eyes.

"You're someone special" he replied. "Someone I would kill for"

His words touched her deeply. It was simple, but to her, his words were such a blessing for her to open up her heart and embrace the feelings she has for him even more.

"How about you? What am I to you?" He asked back.

"You...well, you're more than just my captain" she replied. "Much, much more special than that"

"Like what?"

"Hm...how do I put this. You're someone I...admire so much, no- too much" she smiled to herself. Gusion noticed that and questioned. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's just that it's kind of silly for me to have such feelings"

"No it's not" he protested.

"You don't get it, Gusion. It's not much of a surprise for a captain to sacrifice for his fellow teammate. But for me you're ... you're more than just that. And I would hate to elaborate on that" she blushed slightly.

"Oh ho, someone's got a crush on me, doesn't she?" Gusion smirked.

"N-No! Bullshit..." Hanabi immediately denied.

Gusion chuckled and embraced her tighter in his arms. He laid both their bodies on the soft bed.

"I love you" said Gusion quietly.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you"

"Nothing. Go to sleep idiot" he pressed Hanabi's head against and closed his eyes. "I guess that would make us teammates with benefits then" he thought to himself.



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