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The display of night stars plastered all over the sky was reflected in a maiden's pretty crimson eyes. She stared longingly at them, lost in a deep thought as if the stars reminded her of a certain memory as she went through that cathartic moment.

"I wonder if he feels the same way I do right now" she thought to herself. "I hope he does"

Taking a deep breath, she darted her eyes away from the glass wall and came face to face with a peer male.

"Are you missing him?" The black haired male asked. Hanabi went quiet for a moment after parting her lips. "That is none of your concern, is it?"

Hayabusa stepped forward and sat beside her on the luxurious leather couch. "You know... sometimes you just have to let things go" he spoke to her in soft, soothing voice. "Not every guy you've fallen in love with would end up feeling the same about you. I bet he's never even told you his feelings"

"Who said I was ever in love with him?" She said.

"Weren't you?"

"Shut up, Haya. You're being nosy" the brunette scoffed and turned away, not wanting her friend to see her true emotions.

"I am simply worried about you and I don't see what's wrong with that"

"Well I don't need you to worry about me. I'm fine, really"

"If you say so" he sighed and changed the subject. "You look fine in my shirt, by the way"

"Oh? Thanks"

"Sorry you'll have to wear that. I'll tell the hotel maids to get you some clothes tomorrow. So just bear with that for now"

Hanabi nodded, not paying much attention to whatever he was saying.
Her  eyes were once again focused on the sky. She remembered gazing up to them with the white haired assassin from upon the lab where she sat, enveloped in his arms. Oh how she wished time had froze in that particular moment. How she wished she had told him her feelings. How she wished to see him again and go back to how they were before she decided to run away.

Nevertheless, it was all in her thoughts. It was not like she would turn back, even if she wanted to. After all, how could she face them? How could she face him? After suddenly running off like that. She couldn't even picture herself standing before her team, and could not imagine what she would say if she ever saw them again.

"It's getting late. You should head to bed" Hayabusa, who was still sitting there, said to her.

"Right" was all she said after getting up from the couch and walked to the cyan bedroom. She plopped herself down on the soft mattress and closed her eyes.

The ninja switched off the light. "Oyasumi. Sleep well" he said before closing the white door behind him.


"I'm home" Emperor scorpion walked through the auto-sliding door, carrying paper bags in both hands.

"Captain!" Angela flapped her wings and flew forwards him. "We've been worrying about you. You're home so late"

The white haired male set the bags down on the table.

"What's in there?" Harley, who was sitting nearby, asked while leaning forward to see.

"Flower vases, table lambs, and some other stuffs to make up for the damage of the previous night"

"Ahhh. How thoughtful of you, captain" said Angela.

"Anyway, have you found her?" The young magician asked.

"I wish I have. But don't give up just yet. I'm sure she's still out there somewhere" Gusion said and turned his heels to walk away.

"Wait! Have you eaten? I've prepared some food in case you haven't" Angela followed behind him.

"How thoughtful of you, Vespid" Gusion repeated what the android said earlier. "But I've already had dinner. Thank you"

"Okay then. Goodnight, Captain. Goodnight, Harley"


Gusion went into his room and reached out his hand- but stopped half way before he could touch the knob. His eyelids dropped and he retreated his hand. Only to walk away from the door to his bedroom to a different door not so far away from where he stood.

He reached his hand out once more, but this time, he did not hesitate to turn the knob and walked in.

Pressing the door closed with his back, Gusion stepped inside the dark room, not bothering to switch the lightbulbs on. He sat himself down on the soft white bed, feeling disappointed that it was empty.

"How foolish of me" he thought. "To hope that I'd see her sleeping soundly on this bed. To hope that everything was simply just a prank"

He sighed heavily and laid himself down. Her smell still lingering around him. The emotions he was feeling was complicated. But one thing he knew for sure, was that it was very hard to bear and he would never want to feel pathetic like this. He clenched the sheets with his fists and gritted his teeth and frustration.

"Am I that bad? Am I such an awful person that she doesn't want to see me anymore? Did my presence disgust her? Why does she have to hate me so much?"

He felt his heart throbbing to the thoughts. Losing her felt painful than he'd ever imagine, not that he had expected to lose her someday. And he knew exactly why he was feeling the way he was. He knew that he had developed certain emotions towards the spider whom he used to consider as no more than his toy or prey. It was just unconscious attraction at first, but the more time he spent with her, the happier he felt. She made him forget the pain he had been feeling. And it took him long enough to realize his true feelings towards her. And it wasn't just her body he desired. He wanted everything from her. Her time, her heart, her faith, her love... and he would risk anything just to be by her side. He believed she felt the same. But after what happened, after she had ran away, he wasn't sure if he was worthy enough to be loved by her.

"I'm such an asshole" he murmured.

"If I had confessed my feelings back then, would she stay? Would that have prevented her from leaving?" He wondered. So many regrets ringed in his head. But those thoughts were all pointless, he was aware of that. It was too late to start wondering what they could have become if things didn't happen the way they did.

Gusion had made up his mind. He was determined to have her back and never let her go again.

"I'm going to find you, and bring you back into my arms. Just so you wait, Hanabi"

If you enjoyed reading...please

-> Sorry I took so long to update. The thing is, I had to write another book for my author club and enter a competition at school. TvT so im sorry for the late update. Hope you guys are still enjoying this!

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