-Episode 9- [The Operation]

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Hanabi's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyelids and found myself lying on my soft bed.

Hm? I don't remember coming back to my room last night. Did Gusion carry me back here? Ah, that must be it.

I sat up and began stretching my arms and legs. Letting out a yawn,  I got up from bed and walked slowly towards the bathroom and got my routines started.

Once I was done, I slipped on some comfortable clothing and headed out to the kitchen for breakfast. As I reached the place, everyone was already there. I scanned the room seeing Layla clinching onto Gusion's arm while he was eating bacons. Harley was ranting a complaint about something to Grock and as for Angela, she was cooking some more food in the kitchen. The worst thing, was that brat was sitting on my seat next to Gusion.

I stayed silent as I approached them and took a seat beside Harley, which apparently belonged to Angela. Pretty sure he didn't notice me, though, Soon after that,  Angela pushed through the glass door carrying a plate of eggs and bacon. "Good morning, Hanabi" she chirped and placed the plate in front of me. "Here's your breakfast" she said with a big smile as usual.

"Thanks" I muttered.

"Hey, Hana! How long have you been sitting here?!" Harley shrieked as he realized I was beside him.

"Uhh...she was here like, 20 seconds ago" Layla said, still pressing herself onto Gusion's arm.

"No one asked you, Layla" I said.

"Huh?! Why are you being mean to me?!" She gritted her teeth and glared at me. Gusion finally looked up from his plate and stared at me.

"What's your problem? Layla has done nothing wrong now, has she?" He scolded.

My jaws dropped slightly and I replied "And why the heck are you taking her side?! And while I'm at it, I also need to mention that, she's sitting on MY seat"

"Oh yeah? Well I don't see your name on it" she yelled back.

Harley stood up and spoke in favor for me. "You DO NOT belong here, Layla. That seat belongs to our one and only marksman so I suggest you should back off!"

"Harley!" Gusion raised his voice. "May I remind you that Layla's being a helpful use for us?"

The whole room went silent for a few seconds. Harley broke the silence by hitting his fists on the table and walked

"This is rekt. This is totally rekt" he murmured angrily before slamming the door shut behind him.

I stood up. Then, left as well. Not bothering to take a bite of my breakfast. Angela protested to stop me ,but I ignored her before walking back into my room. I sat down on the bed while covering my face with my hands.

"Stupid...stupid Gusion?! How could you?" I whispered to myself. My heart felt as if it was being violated, those words stuck hardly in my throat. The reaction's image of him raising his voice at me earlier flashed through my mind like a thundering storm flashback till it became darker and darker like a dark peak

Did he replace me with her? Did he think she was way better than me? My mind flown any possibility of us being tripping apart ...

Moreover, I have never recall having these kind of thoughts before. My mind must've grown crazy. I feel goddamn retarded. I shut my eyes tightly when I tried to calm myself down. Today is the day when we finally operate our plan to barge into the S.A.B.E.R's headquarters and threaten them to give us the magic cube. For good.

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