-Episode 1- [First Attempt]

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*Gusion's P.O.V.*
The magic cube fell from Harley's hand after encountering with Layla's beam. Saber and I reacted fast and tried to reach for the cube at the same time. Suddenly, a sharp pain made contact with my right arm which were reaching for the cube. It was that damn midget, Cyclops. Saber violently grabbed the cube before I could and dashed away with his tank, Johnson along with the rest of his teammates. I fell to the ground with a loud thud sound.

Shit... where's your tank when you need him?

Angela quickly flew towards me and checked if I was okay. "Emperor Scorpion, are you hurt?" She merged her eyebrows together with concern. I responded with a slight nod. "Yeah, my arm hurts so bad right now"

"Damn! We let them got away!" Harley dropped himself down and started whining like the childish kid he was. "That Layla was a total pain in the ass!" He exclaimed with frustration.

"Indeed" Hanabi replied as she pulled her mask down. Grock And Angela helped me got up and returned back to our spaceship. Angela started examining my wounds and treated me. Harley was still screaming like crazy.

"If that stupid Layla didn't hit me with her ridiculous beam, we would've got the magic cube in our hands by now!" He shouted. "And it's all your fault, Grock! What on earth were you doing?! You were supposed to be our shield during battle! Isn't it your duty to make sure none of us gets hurt? Look what situation we're in right now! For god's sake I'm so damn pissed. Like how are we supposed to-"

"Enough Harley!" Hanabi shut him up. "This isn't the time you should be ranting about it. We may not be careful enough this time, but this isn't our last chance. Our first attempt was close enough okay?"

"Hmph! You're just saying that because you couldn't careless about the magic cube! All you ever want is your revenge on the S.A.B.E.R. squad!"

"You- how dare you Harley?!"

"Am I wrong?"

"Why you little..."

"Quit yelling already you idiots!" I shouted. "What did I say about team arguments?!"

"Sorry, captain" Hanabi backed away afterwards. Harley remained in silence.

"Don't move, please" Angela held me down in attempt to cure me. "You should be fine. Though I highly recommend not to move your injured arm until it recovers completely"

"Alright. Thanks Angie"

"No problem! It's my job to help people!" The android smiled bright fully.

The spaceship arrived at our base, which is a science laboratory. We all got down and entered the building.

"Anyone want dinner tonight?" Angela asked.

"Hell yeah! All those fighting got me exhausted!" Harley said while taking off his octopus helmet.

"I'll skip" I said and walked away into my room. I laid down on the soft bed and let out a sigh. Our first try was a failure after all. I shut my violet eyes and rest for bit. Suddenly, I feel something crawling on my face. I opened my eyes and saw my scorpion on top of me.

"Hey there little buddy"I smiled and picked her up with my left hand. Her black round eyes were staring back at me, her tails wagging back and fourth. Did I mention it was a female scorpion? Well, now you know.

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