-Episode 29-[The Workshop]

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After paying for lunch, Chou gladly led to two to the home of somebody that could be useful in their case.

The weather was sunny. It was amusing to see the citizens of Eruditio behaving quite differently from what they were used to in Zlatan. Everyone seemed hard working, not wasting a single second of their lives.

Not to mention the atmosphere. It felt so different from the futuristic city they lived in. It was refreshing to experience something new.

"Are we gonna walk there?" Asked Gusion.

"Oh, yeah. It's not far from here. Plus, I thought you two might want to see what's it generally like around here"

"It better take less than an hour" Gusion was still on the edge about the whole 'wasting time' situation.

"Of course of course, geez, learn to relax a bit, will ya?"

Chou continued leading them throughout the city. Within a few turns, they arrived in a small, plain looking workshop which stood out like a sore thumb amongst the other fancy looking buildings around it.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Gusion made a weird face, which resulted in Hanabi elbowing him to shut up.

"I know it may not look like what you had expected in mind, but you know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover. Just trust me on this one" Chou casually reached his hand out to press the small bell near the door.

A few seconds later, they heard some rustling noises from the inside and eventually, someone opened the door.

"Hoot Hoot! We have visitors!"

"Is that a... bird?"

In front of them was brown feathered bird with huge eye glasses. It even had a blue-yellow scarf wrapped comfortably around its neck. And it had a small clock attached to its clothes.

"Hey! Diggie! Long time no see. I've got these guys coming all the way from Zlatan to get some stuff fixed. Are you open?"

"We're on break for now but I guess it would be alright since you personally came, Chou" The bird replied.

"Great! Can we get started?"

"Oh no no, please wait a couple more minutes. There's a rather big mess inside, you see. I'll have to take care of that first. Do make yourself comfortable with my uh... mail box. Be back before you know it!" Diggie hurriedly went back and slammed the wooden door shut with his wings.

The trio looked at each other back and forth. Gusion spoke up

"What the hell was that? We didn't come all the way here to see a freaking owl. Can it even do anything?"

"Chill, bro. Trust me. That bird knows his stuff. Besides, he's just merely an assistant. There's someone else in there who's... not a bird"

"What then? A mouse? A turtle?"

Hanabi elbowed her captain again "Stop being rude" she whispered. "We're in the city of scholar. Surely, they wouldn't open a workshop if they can't do anything"

"Blame this guy for my trust issues" the white haired replied.

Chou simply chuckled at the pair's bickering. "A human. A beautiful badass lady full of charms" he reassured.

Just then, the door opened and finally Diggie invited them in "Come be our guests! Hoot hoot"

They walked in. Astonished by their surroundings. It may seem dull from the outside, but it looked a lot better now. There were many unfinished inventions laying around from what they could see. Some really weird stuff they could not figure out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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