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Hanabi's P.O.V

It's been a quite a long while since Emperor Scorpion lost his temper and stomped away to his room. The rest of us went to shower ourselves up and prepared dinner.

"Guys, shouldn't we...call him?" Vespid whispered quietly as if she was afraid Gusion would hear her. All of us looked at each other trying to decide who would take the job. Harley stared into my eyes for a moment and pointed at me.

"You should do it, Nephila" he said.

"Eh? But why me?"

"Among all of us in the team, you're the closest person to him"

"T-That's not true. What you talking about?"

"Come on, Hana. It's obvious. You guys have something going on, don't you?"

"E-Eh? Pardon?"

"You really think we wouldn't notice?" Haley raised his eyebrows. "Go for it"

I sighed in defeat and made my way to the leader's room. I lifted my hand and turned my knuckles towards the door with hesitation and knocked.

He didn't respond. I sighed and announced myself. "I'm coming in"

I twisted the doorknob open and let myself in. Closing the door behind me, I made my way further inside and found Gusion sitting by the windowsill. He was wearing a loose gray shirt- unbuttoned showing his fine abdomen. His eyes closed, silver hair swaying from the wind coming in from outside the opened window.

I stepped closer to get a better view of him. His breathing was stable showing he was asleep.

Should I wake him?

Come to think of it, I don't even know what to say. And I'm still mad at him for his ill mannered attitude this morning. I end up not doing anything and but staring at him.

"How long are you going to check me out like that?" He said, and opened both of his violet eyes.

I was taken by surprise and took a step backwards. "You knew?"

"I'm not a half assassin for nothing" he grunted and ruffed his hair, strengthened his back and leaned back.

"So? What do you need?"

"I was going to invite you to dinner"

"Oh shut it, I know you came cause you were worried about me" He smirked.

Holy, he's back to his old self again.

"That's not true" I denied. "I have nothing to worry about"

He stretched out his left arm, grabbed me and pulled me closer to his body, pressing me against his bare stomach.

"So you don't care about me?" He whispered in a hoarse voice making me blush madly.

"N-No, not anymore! Not after you chose someone else over me"

"So you were jealous" he pulled my head closer and buried his head into my neck. His every breath tickles my skin making me shiver like crazy.

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