-Episode14-[Fried Potatoes]

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*Third Person*

"Lalalala...lalalalah~" A robotically childish voice hummed in a soft rhythm. The small figure of her body swayed along her own melody while her left hand tightly gripping on the frying pan, the other one occupied with a skimmer. Gently, she set the tool down and picked up a medium sized oil bottle and poured a great amount of oil into the pan. She kept on humming as doing so.

"Hello Angela" a feminine voice spoke up behind her. Angela turned around and met the female.

"Good morning Hanabi. You almost startled me there" she smiled."And why are you wearing such outfit? It's not cold out here is it?"

"Well...uhh.." Hanabi scratched her head awkwardly. "I guess I'm not feeling well I might be having a fever hahahah" she let out an obviously fake laugh.

"I can't really feel the temperature since my skin is made out of plastic... but Harley was wearing sleeveless today so I guess not"

The tall ravenhead was wearing a light gray turtleneck shirt with long sleeves and long jeans that literally covered all of her skins. Despite her face, only her toes and four fingers from each hands can be seen.

"In that case I'm probably having a fever or something...haha...ha..."

Angela stared at her comrade with a weirded out expression. "Then I suggest you should get some rest"

"No, no. I'm fine. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I'm frying some potatoes" Angela said and turned back to working on the cooking process to avoid it being burnt. Hanabi peeked from behind her shoulders. "Don't you think you've poured in too much oil? That looks...fat"

"Really? I thought this is just right. I guess I still have a lot more to learn about culinary. Teach me more, Hanabi!"

"Certainly" the taller woman replied.

"My cooking skills have improved dramatically thanks to your teachings. I've never been fond of cooking before but, after knowing that I'd be joining VENOM, I told myself I'd have to learn to at least know the basics so as to take care of my squad mates!"

Hanabi helped putting the fried potatoes onto a plate while Angela went to fetch a ketchup bottle from the upper cupboard. Just after they had finished, Harley barged into the room and eagerly sat down on one of the chairs.

"Is that fried potatoes I smell?" He said with a wide grin on his face. "The aroma smells delicious"

Hanabi applied a bit of salt on the potatoes and sat down with the young midget.

"What is that you're wearing Nephila?" exclaimed Harley.

"Would you people stop asking me about that? I wear whatever I want..."

"I sure hope it's got nothing to do with the moans I've heard last night" Harley said, stuffing the potatoes in his mouth like he hasn't eat for years.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing" a grin spread around his face once again.

"Harley, that's bad manners! You have to wait till the others arrive before eating!" Angela yelled.

"Who cares? I'm going to eat every piece before Gusion and Grock come steal my food!"

"Did someone say my name?"

Everyone turned their heads around to see their leader leaning against the kitchen door with crossed arms.

"Come eat!" Angela invited him to join the other two on the table. Gusion let out a quick chuckle as he laid eyes on Hanabi's unusual outfit. Nobody knew the reason as clear as himself.

The lizard joined in a few minutes later. Everyone munched on the food like there was no tomorrow. Vespid carried a tray filled with 5 cups of hot tea and placed them gently on the table one by one.

"Remember to drink something hot after eating fried stuff. It helps in dissolving the fat in your stomach" she said with a caring smile as usual.

"Thanks mom" Harley playfully rolled his eyes and accepted the cup.

The rest of the members did the same. Angela enjoyed taking care of her teammates and make sure everyone stays strong and healthy, much to everyone's appreciation.


"Yes. I've done as you said. Everything is going according to your plan"

A red scarf swayed softly in the air. A shadow leaped through the darkness, jumping from one roof to another with undeniable skilled art.

"Noted, Agent Saber. I've already planted it inside her. No worries, I'm sure that should do the trick"

"Roger that"

The shadow of Iga pulled his mask down and let out a deep breath. Now he could say without lying that he had finished his mission.

"I'm sorry, Hanabi" he murmured softly to himself.

On the other side, a blue haired assassin chuckled to himself. A sadistic smile worn on his face being him as handsome as ever. He turned his heels around and walked slowly along a corridor with flickering lights.

"Hey, Rafaela, tell everyone to get ready. There's nothing holding us back this time" Saber grinned as he spoke to his female comrade.

"Now all that's left...is to wait"



Stay tuned for more updates ^^
Psst! Sorry for the weirdass title, author is high asf

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