-Episode22-[The Duel]

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Choosing between Gusion and Haya? That sure sounds difficult to me.

I stood there in silence, unable to say anything. My scarlet eyes darted between the two males standing before me.

I loved Gusion, I knew that much. But I couldn't bring myself to face him and the rest of the team again after running away from them. On second thought, I could just escape from all this mess, give up my revenge, and go back to my hometown with Haya. But would Gusion even accept that?

I don't think so.

Knowing him, he would get people killed if I dared to say Haya's name. But...

I didn't know what to expect from him anymore. I could imagine my childhood rival accepting my decisions if I didn't choose him. But I just couldn't picture what kind of expression my caption would make if I were to reject him. He was just that type of person.

"Hurry up and choose me already" Gusion groaned. Hayabusa said nothing, waiting patiently for my answer.

I gulped. Gusion stared at me, right into my soul as if he was telling me that I had no choice other than choosing him.

"I... I choose.." I lost my breath in that moment. Taking a deep breath, I let out my honest reply:

"I don't know".

"Geez" Gusion seemed frustrated for a few seconds, then his expressions changed as he looked at his opponent.

"If she can't decide, let us fight between ourselves" a signature smirk spread on his lips. "I challenge you to a fair duel. Winner gets the girl, how's that?"

He can't be serious!

"Fine" Haya replied. "I've been wanting to test your skills for a long time"

"Well you could just ask" Gusion playfully summoned his five glowing green blades using magic. "This fight will decide who's the best assassin between us. You can go all out tonight, I'm sure it won't even leave a bruise on me"

"Very well" the ninja pulled out long katana sword from its sheath behind his back. "You've underestimated me, I won't let that slide" his voice was low, but it had an intimidating vibe to it.

To be honest... I was curious to see how the result would turn out. Should I Stop them? Or should I go get popcorn?

Gusion dashed forward and landed his first blow using multiple blades consecutively. Haya used his sword to block them all and jumped forward to attack.

Both of them fought each other intensely. Aside from their assassin skills, Gusion had magic, and Haya had ninja arts. Neither of them were backing down.

Haya blended well in the dark, so he was at a slight advantage. But Gusion's sharp sight wasn't a joke either. I lost sight of Haya sometimes but he could still see so well and repeatedly releasing his daggers at him.

Warning: Violence

I watched with my mouth open as Haya leaped high in the air and fell back, preparing to strike Gusion down with his sword. With a swift move, the white haired male bended his legs and jumped as well, dodging the sword then did an axe kick on Haya's back, sending him collapsed on on the hard roof. Haya flipped himself over and tried to get up, but Gusion sat on his stomach and grabbed him by the collar.

"Guess you're simply all talk" said Gusion playfully.

Hayabusa glared and tried to fight back. Unfortunately, Gusion pinned his arms down with his legs.

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