-Episode 6-[S.A.B.E.R. Breacher]

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*Third person P.O.V.*

"Hello? Miya? Yes, I'll be there" the marksman of the S.A.B.E.R. squad walked out of the headquarters building carrying her purse with her other hand holding her phone close to her ear. Little did she knew, there were two other ladies spying on her from the distance, observing her every movements carefully.

"I know, geez. It was a pain asking Saber to take a break from work today. Right, we'll meet at the usual café first then let's walk to the cinema together. We're going to watch that movie you've been going crazy about recently" her magenta colored pigtails swayed from side to side as she walked.

"Right, you better show up on time, okay Miya? Yep. See you soon" Layla stopped on her tracks and slipped her phone into her purse. As incautious as she was, she failed to notice footsteps sneaking from behind until she felt a person smashed a white handkerchief on her nose from behind. Layla began to feel dizzy as the scent reached her nostrils and her body collapsed soon afterwards. The culprit revealed herself as Nephila of the V.E.N.O.M. squad along with her female comrade, Vespid, who used her strings to wrap around Layla's unconscious body and lifted her up.

"Heh, capturing this foolish idiot is a piece of cake" Hanabi chucked. "Come on, Angela. Let's bring her to our place"

The android nodded. "Sorry, Layla. You might have to miss the appointment and the movie today"

"Why are you apologizing to her for? Let's get going already"

"Right. Sorry"


"Well done, sweeties" Emperor scorpion clapped his hands proudly and patted both girls on their heads. Hanabi and Angela blushed a bit and smiled.

Grock placed Layla's body on a chair and tied her up, making sure she couldn't escape once she gains consciousness.

"So what exactly are we planning to do to her?" Harley questioned from the other side of the room. His hands were busy playing with his cards.

Gusion walked in a slow pace around the helpless girl on the chair. "Leave everything to me. The rest of you just wait for the results" he stated.

"Confident much?" The octopus lifted his head up and glared at his leader.

"Of course" Emperor Scorpion replied and walked over to Harley. "After all..." he bent himself down to the shorter male's height and flicked his forehead. "I'm the only one who can get this job done. Got it, you short ass cunt?"

Harley boiled in anger. He looked away and pouted with arms crossed. Gusion smirked. "Angie, how long will the effect wear off?" He asked.

"Around 5 hours or so... I assume she'd wake up after we had dinner" Vespid replied. He nodded and looked at Hanabi then gestured her to go outside the room with him. She followed orders and walked behind him without a word.

Once they escaped the sight of the others, Gusion turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Listen, Hana... I'm afraid we can't sleep together tonight"

The raven haired girl looked down on the ground. "I figured you'd say that"

"Aww, are you mad?" Gusion leaned closer to her face and grinned.

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