-Episode21-[Him or Me?]

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Hanabi's POV

I couldn't sleep. I felt tired, and yet I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. No matter how long I closed my eyes, the slumber just wouldn't come to me. I wonder what was wrong. Maybe I've been thinking too much lately.

I wonder what time it was. I felt like forever since I laid myself down. Haya was sleeping on the couch next to my bed. I didn't want to disturb him. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. Life was boring for me. It was very, very plain. Sometimes, I just wish we could go back in time. Back to when I was still little, running around without a care in the world. Now everything was too much to take in. I've been experiencing all sorts of emotions. Mostly negative ones and I would rather avoid those.

Ha, I'm overthinking again. No wonder I couldn't sleep.

I got up and poured myself a glass of water from the kettle on the desk. After setting the glass back down, I decided to go out and get some fresh air. Maybe I could finally sleep after returning.

I stepped down and wore a pair of cotton slippers. I pulled the door open quietly to not wake the sleeping man and walked outside to the balcony.

Fresh air blowing gently, sweeping past with its cold breeze. The nightgown I was wearing wasn't in my favor. I shivered a bit but ignored the feelings and just stared down from the tall building. There were no vehicles on the street. It must've been pretty late. 3a.m, maybe?

I looked up at the sky. The stars were beautifully shining as always. They reminded me of that person again. The person I've been trying to forget yet I knew there was no way I could. The cold breeze was getting on my nerves so I decided to step back inside and hopefully get some sleep.

But before I could, I caught a glimpse of a shadow swooped down from above. I reacted fast but the person was quick to get holds of my arms while covering my mouth.

"Mmhh!! Mmgh!!" I tried to break free from the tight grip. Gods, I'm getting kidnapped out of nowhere!

The kidnapper was holding me from behind. And before I knew it, I was lifted up in the air and off the hotel balcony. It was then when I detected an oddly familiar scent next to me. And it made me suddenly realize that my mouth wasn't being covered anymore, and I was being carried bridal style.

I whipped my head up to see who the hell it was that had the guts to do this to me. The sight of him made me speechless.

His handsome side figure, not too sharp jawline, violet eye focused up a ahead and silver hair bouncing as he leaped through the air. I couldn't believe I got to see his attractive features again.

My heart was jumping so fast, I couldn't think straight anymore. He darted his eyes down to look at mine.

"Long time no see, princess"

My whole body felt hot despite the breeze. Damn it, I thought I was totally over this guy. All it took was for him to make an appearance and just like that, I'm head over heels again.

He chuckled when I didn't reply and finally stopped running. He put me down on my feet. We were on top of a building. I didn't know how to confront him. But I was sure that I longed for him so badly.

My body moved on its own. I threw myself at him and embraced my arms around him so tightly. He did the same.

"I missed you, I missed you so much" I said with a trembling voice. I couldn't lie to myself anymore,

He lifted his hand up to pat my head gently. "I missed you more" he whispered softly. His warmth got to me. I felt like it was the only thing I needed in this world. Is this how ridiculous love can be?

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