Chapter Forty-Six~Wedding Pt. 1

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Chapter Forty-Six
Wedding Pt. 1
Elizabeth Cullen
August 12, 2006

The Cullen house is buzzing with excitement in a way I have never experienced before.

Edward and Bella's wedding planning has been Alice's soul passion, prompting the whole household to get caught up in the energy of young love. With tomorrow being the big day, everyone seems to be thrilled for the coming nuptials.

Edythe mended quickly from her devastating injuries, and quickly became Alice's right hand in all of the preparation for the wedding. All summer long she had been diligently following Alice's every order, only stopping at rare moments to spend time with Garrett.

Edward and Bella spent most of their days together, away from all of the wedding planning in order not to give Bella cold feet. Jasper was working with his lawyer to fabricate all of the needed documents, when he wasn't outside playing with Emmett and Garrett, that is. Even Rosalie somewhat enjoyed helping Alice and Edythe pick out various things for the wedding, adding another viewpoint when needed.

That left Carlisle and I free to be Garrett's accomplices in orchestrating his grand plan.

"Is she back yet?" Garrett asked quickly, darting downstairs into the entryway.

"Not yet." I shook my head from my position at the front door, where I had been watching the driveway for half of an hour. "What are you doing down here?"

"I need you to tie this tie for me." He pouted his lip out playfully at me.

"Here." I laughed, reaching out and pre-tying the tie so it would be ready for later. "Is everything ready?" I asked excitedly.

"Carlisle has everyone in the clearing, besides Edythe and you of course." Garrett nodded. "Once I go and stash my clothes, everything will be set."

"Great." I smiled, offering him one last hug in support. "Now go, here she is." I urged him and he took off through the backdoor as Edythe pulled into the driveway.

I stepped out of the front door and watched as Edythe pulled my car up to the garage before  stepping out and going to the trunk.

"Hey, Mom!" Edythe waved.

"Need any help?" I chirped, descending the steps and crossing the yard towards her.

"Yes, please." She nodded. "Here, that's Carlisle, Edward, and Bella's fathers' suits." She handed the dress bags off to me. "I've got Jaspers, Emmetts, and Garrett's."

"Alice really sent you on a wild chase today, hmm?" I giggled as we started walking back to the house.

"Tell me about it!" She laughed. "From Seattle to Port Angeles back to Seattle, it was a crazy day."

"Well, you're home now. I'm sure Alice will be very appreciative that you got this handled for her. She's been eager to get the boys suits back from the cleaners." I smiled brightly at her as we laid the dress bags out on the living room couch.

"Where is Alice?" Edythe asked. "I volunteered to help her plan Bella's hair for tomorrow." She laughed.

"Oh? She's around here somewhere." I shrugged, trying to keep myself from bouncing with excitement.

Garrett entered the backdoor then, a wide playful smile on his face.

"There's my girl!" He cheered, darting forward to hug Edythe tightly. "How was your day?"

"Busy!" Edythe giggled, smiling lovingly up at him. "How was your day?"

"Busy too." He laughed. "Hey, you know what we need?"

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