16. You'll see, mom!

20 2 1

Jungkook's room: a yellow lamp, a table, a bed, a bean bag and an old closet for clothes. His room isn't special.

But it's not like any other room. Jungkook's room is in the attic. You can only get up here by walking up steep and narrow steps. You have to watch out and be careful otherwise you can sprain your ankle.

"I already got used to it" Jungkook said "And I like it here"

I like it here too. I would also like to have a room in the attic but I can only dream about it.

"Go on" Jungkook motions to the bean bag. When I sit down, my eyes immediately travel to the wall in front of me. When you walk in - it wasn't visible at first.

And from here? It's as clear as day. My eyes look at all the posters of boxers and football players on the wall. All of them - are in the middle of a match, fire and passion in their eyes.

That's Jungkook's life.

He's living with all of them, maybe even talking to them before going to bed. And some day - he's going to join them. He'll join them on this famous player wall.

"Do you like it?" Jungkook asks, proudness evident in his voice. "I have all the famous players here. If you want, I can tell you about it..."

And we both lean against the wall. Jungkook talks a lot and for a long time.

He's talks nonstop about the world's greatest boxers and football players, all the game history with the exact dates of memorable events. All from memory too.

I feel bad for not paying attention to his words, and just looking at him. I love it when he talks with passion and about the things he loves. I love it when he jokes around or when he's serious. I love it when he laughs or smiles because it brightens up my whole day.

I love it when he calls me petnames or kisses me because since my birthday - I am finally able to call him mine. I couldn't be more happier in my life.

"Did you know that the best goals are kicked with the left foot? You didn't?! That's great! Or have you heard about the two extension in the finals on 1998? Also no?!" Jungkook asks and talks at the same time. He's fired up like never before and his thoughts are jumping from one fact to another without any problem.

I just shook my head and Jungkook was more than surprised at my such little knowledge when it came to football history.

"I heard that there's a sport's school in Seoul. My trainer said that" Jungkook continued. "He thinks that I could make it... Then i would not only have finished high school but also have something waiting for me in the future..."

Jungkook starts to daydream out loud and it seems like I disappear too. But I don't get offended. Not at all.

I take the time to look around Jungkook's room. I notice Jungkook's football uniform and his shoes. There's also boxing gloves on the table.

On the shelfs, which are on the left from the table, a bunch of medals and prizes are put up. It's all of his victories.

You can not know anything about a person then just simply look around their room and immediately feel their spirit. Even in some way - you get to know the person more.

Everything here describes Jungkook.

Wait...wait... what's that?

Once Upon A Time, JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now