What Wish So Haunted Excerpt (4)

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Clara wrung her noise in the air, doing her best to avoid her eyes from tearing. The streets' smell was so unpleasant, so dirty. The fog hardly helped, coating the shops in a dullish tint and muddling the windows. It all reminded her of a bog. The smell, the dirt—so much dirt. Her ivory gown had been slogging through muck for quite some time, and she wasn't so sure her maid would be able to clean it.

This place was miserable. Like a bog. They had bogs in Margrita, but that was in the north far beyond the capital. She'd never been to one but imagined it to be like this. Muddy and in need of fresh rain.

-Lisa R. Hopkins. Excerpt from What Wish So Haunted, Year 2017 Edition


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