The Fist Meeting

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Rick and Maria gave us zero directions. We just knew we had to go to Maddie's party and get to know each other, I just had to look nice, not interested to him.

Besides the four of us also my mother, Tahani and Sean's best friend, Julian, knew it was all fake. Beyond these people we decided not to tell others, we couldn't risk for someone to spread the truth. It had to look as real as possible.

For the two rules I give to him I know he wouldn't follow them, especially the second one. I'm not supid, I just pretend I believe him.

There will be some photographs at the party. At the end of the night the photos of the meeting between me and Sean will be on the all internet.

-Don't worry. You two can't fail a fist meeting- My best friend try to tell me while we were in the car for go to the party.
-But this is the start of everything-
-Everything is going to be ok-
I took a big breath. It's time for starting a new show.


When I arrived at the party the first person who greeted me was Julian.

-Two rules. Get out of here without a girl under your arm and sober. Easy, right?- I told him about Kaycee's rules. I would have followed the first but the second, maintained or not, would not have changed the way the person will suppose if our relationship were true or false.

-We'll see, where is she?- I told him. I already wanted to get out of our conversation.
My friend pointed me to a girl sitting at the counter.

Her hair was straight, when we met they were curly and messy. She was wearing a pair of black jeans and a crop top of the same color. No one will find it strange that I try with such a beautiful girl, and neither that she rejected me.

-It's that the Kaycee Rice- I said by hanging her at the counter. She smiled shyly.
-I'm Sean-
-I know-

The barman came up to me and I ordered a glass of rum with ice. Kaycee shifted her gaze from me.
-Why am I not surprised?- She said in a neutral tone, not angry, not sad, not disappointed.
-Cause I'm predictable, it would be strange if I'm not-
I said pretending it was for the show.
-I have to go- And she left me alone.

I didn't know whether to follow her or try again later. But someone took the place where Kaycee was sitting before.

-Man please, don't- Gabe DeGuzman, one of my dancer, look at me in the eyes.
-Why not?-
-She is one of the most pure things in this world. If you try with her she will give you a chance, fall for you. She don't deserve to be destroyed by you too-
-What do you mean?- The man looked at me with his mouth open.
-What do you know about her?-
-She is an actress and she is cute-
-That's why you don't deserve her- Then he was gone.

I wonder if they were together, or maybe he's a layer friend of her.


I'm not mad at him, I'm disappointed. But I expected it, so I don't even have the right to be. I just wish he'd said no when I proposed the idea. Now I'm afraid of where this situation will take me.

I was talking with my friends, Bailey, when he comes back.

-So, you two know each other- He sitting next to me. He smelled by alcohol, not look drunk but clearly at his 4 or 5 glasses.

-I'm surprised you know each other- Bailey said shock. She was one of the boy's dancer and one of my childhood friend. I already know that she will be one of those people 100% against this relationship.

-We meet a few minutes ago- I said quickly so than I look at Sean.
-It's the 4 or the 5?- I asked indicating the glass.
-How do you know?- He ask in shock. I don't answer him.

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