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Yes, this is the end. Yes, I have been planning this for more than half of the story. No, it's not a quick ending made just to wrap up the story.

I know you wanted a classic ending with an happily ever after, but that's not always the case.

No, there will be no sequel. No, Sean won't be drinking again I promise you. It is an open ending, so you can choose what their future will be like.

I'm used to write "thanks" in my stories because I've always had to thank the same 4 people, but this time it's a bit different.

I never thought how many people might actually like what I write, considering it's also poorly written cause I'm not a native English speaker.

So thank you, to all those who left a star and commented, to all those who passed by mistake and to all those who stayed because they were genuinely curious.

I'm sorry if I disappointed you

Please go to my profile wall where I ask you for advice for the next story I would like to bring to you.

Love, Clary

📷 Instagram: lewricesok.ita
🐦 Twitter: weirdoclary
🎶 Tiktok: myfriendcallmeclary

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