Chiasa Yukezome's pov:

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Hey so quick note: Please don't hate on me for the other ships in this, for example Komahina, and my grammar is honestly crap! Also each pov is a new chapter, but um, please enjoy anyways.

First day of a brand new start for school~ man, I can't wait for all the students to come running in with their grins! "Oh uhm, hello ma'am." a red headed girl said as she stood in the door way. "Is this class 77?" she asked with a nervous smile. "Last time I checked it was, yep!" I replied. "What's your name anyways? I should probably take attendance as I go to make it easier right?" "Oh my name is Mahiru Koizumi, the ultimate photographer!" she said as I quickly write down her name as another student runs in complaining. "Mahiruuuu! You know I can't walk fast in these sandals, and you said you'd help me tie my kimono!" "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry Hiyoko, I thought we'd be late but, turns out I was an hour early." Mahiru said in disbelief of herself. Probably questioning how she forgot something like that. "Uh, what's your name dear?" I asked the girl with the pigtails and the kimono. "Like you need to know you snot nosed brat!" She shouted back. "Eh- Hiyoko!? I'm so sorry about her.. I must've put her in a bad mood huh?..oh and her name is Hiyoko." Mahiru apologized for Hiyoko's actions as she spelled out her name.

One by one more students came in, there was this really short kid who had a big tough guy act, another very sweet lady (which is a princess so of course she was sweet). I ask their names and turns out the princess is Sonia Nevermind. "Bit off an odd last name if you ask me." but I didn't want to offend her so I kept *that* to myself. The other student continued his "tough guy" act and refused to say his name, so I ignored because he most likely just wanted attention [he's just like that Chisa, that ain't no act] The very last student to come in tripped in a rather uncomfortable position.. "Man, good thing TeruTeru isn't here Mikan!" said a girl with black hair and dyed strips of hair who kindly helped up the other girl. "T-thank you, Ibuki! Is there a way to f-f-forgive you?" "Nah, you're cool!" said the other girl as she ruffled up her hair. "Ugh, forgive my eyes! Man you're so stupid Mikan!!" yelled Hiyoko as Mahiru nudged her with her elbow. "Hehe, seems the most of you already have a strong friendship. Mind telling me your name girls?" I asked. "Yeah my name is Ibuki Mioda the ultimate musician!" "I-I-I'm Mikan Tsumiki AND I APOLOGIZE FOR FALLING SO SUDDEN-" the purple haired girl shouted whilst falling in the same position. "Damn, you're asking for attention at this point!" the "gangster" guy called out. "I-I am not!" Mikan snapped back!" "SHUT YOUR DIRTY WH-[my mom is gonna check my phone-] MOUTH!!" Hiyoko screamed back. "Please, let us just enjoy this first day back so we can start a fresh start!" I sighed. "Look Mahiru! She's already cracking!!" Hiyoko giggled. "You wish you banana hair!" I laughed back, but I think Hiyoko took it to personally and started holding back tears.

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