Mikan's Pov

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I really feel bad for making Hiyoko cry even though she makes me cry, a lot. I silently cry to myself, feeling terrible. No one notices, no one except Ibuki. "Mikan! Uh-uhm how you take care of someone who's crying?" she mumbled to herself "Oh!" Ibuki thought of an idea. Soon she was dragging me by the wrist to the music room. "I-Ibuki! Where are we going?!" I ask. She sits me down in a chair as she gets outs a ukulele. "You can play that?" I question. "Its just a guitar but you need to play it light." Ibuki answered with a smile. She had a genuine smile...she was trying to cheer me up "Ibuki I-I think maybe Hiyoko needs cheering up." I tell her "That's Mahiru's job not mine!" Ibuki confidently shouts. Before I can begin talking Ibuki lightly plays her ukulele which shuts me up. Wait what if, she just wants me to stop crying like how Hiyoko yells at me to stop. No, based off experiences I could tell it wasn't like that, she cared about me....I break into a soft blush, lost in my thoughts I don't even notice Ibuki asking if I liked the song. "Hello~ earth to Mikan?" Ibuki waved her hand in my face. So lost in my thoughts just the sudden reality check scares me and I tip the chair backwards and fall. "GAH! MIKAN ARE YOU OKAY!?" Ibuki says in shock of herself "Did I do that?" she mumbles under her breath. She helps me up and again asks me if I like her song. "O-oh well I think it was really good, and not to loud." I reply. We walk back to the class, expecting Ms. Yukezome to be there but, she isn't there. "Where's the teacher?" Ibuki asks. "Oh, she just went to get Chiaki!" Sonia answers. "I bet she forgot to set an alarm and played video games all night." Fuyuhiko says pretty rudely. "Well she doesn't have a sword lady to wake her up and make her lunch." Ibuki teases and sticks up for Chiaki. This breaks a fight between Fuyuhiko and Ibuki but, I didn't care. I just stood there thinking about Ibuki, she would even stick up for me...not to many people do that. Come to think of it Ibuki is nice to everyone....guess I'm no different.

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