The contest

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Ibuki was back stage getting ready, she was about to go up. "Hello everyone!" Ibuki comes on stage. "This song is about a special someone." "Is she trying to convince us that the girl is real?" Mikan thought to herself. Ibuki began singing and because Mikan worked with her on it, she knew the lyrics and lip sang along with it. "Sakuraa" Mikan started, but Ibuki didn't say that. She said Mikan Tsumiki

Mikan's Pov:
She just- said my name! I break into a mad blush because everyone could see what direction Ibuki was looking in, of course it was my direction. I just sat there in shock as it started to rain, it was pretty bad rain since you could hear it through Ibuki's performance. "I had no idea you two felt that way." Nagito said randomly "W-we don't!" I try to say, but my classmates keep asking me questions or congratulating me. It's so overwhelming! I get up and run out of the gym into the rain. I hear Ibuki stop and thank everyone. She saw me run out and ended her song early! I run faster, and that leads me to slip in a puddle. "Mikan!" Ibuki shouts after me. I try to get up and when I do Ibuki caught up me. "Ibuki sorry! She know that Mikan doesn't like her back." Ibuki apologized. This is my chance! "I-I actually d-do like y-y-you." I mumble knowing Ibuki's good ears could hear it. She stood there surprised. "Then you wouldn't mind if I?" Ibuki  grabbed my hand and stared into my eyes, I did the same. Then it happened. She kissed me, right on the lips.

Ibuki's pov:
Welp, I did it. I kissed my crush! I liked her since I could remember, I wasn't sure if she liked me back until she started blushing around me a lot. I let go and she just stares at me, flustered. Suddenly we hear a loud cheer coming from the second floor class 77. That's our classroom! Mikan and I immediately look to see our classmates cheering from the window. Mikan starts to hold back tears "M-Mikan, it's okay!" I try to calm her down which makes her cry even more. She runs to her dorm, me chasing after her. "Mikan! I-I'm sorry!" she doesn't bother locking the door and leaves it wide open. I walk in, sit on the bed as she cried into her pillow. "Hey, it's 12:00." I say  as I put the blankets over her and head for the door "*sniff* Don't leave." Mikan says muffled through her pillow. I go back over to the bed sit down. Eventually I fall aseep.

I wasn't sure how to end this, sorry.

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