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I'm gonna post like once a week because, even though no one sees these, I post to how about each Wednesday or Thursday?


Mikan's pov:
Me and Ibuki decided to hang out again, this time we went to a outlet mall. "Can we go there?!" Ibuki excitedly points to a store called Spencer's. "If you want to then sure!" I say with a smile. We walk over there and Ibuki heads for the back of the store as she claims that's where all the band t-shirts are (idk my mom doesn't let me go in the back hehe). "Just don't look over there, kay?" Ibuki says, and knowing that I look over there and quickly look back at Ibuki. "WOAH! It's a mindless self indulgence shirt!" Ibuki says then does a cute little dance. "Y-yeah, can we please check out now..." I ask. I look at Ibuki's expression, she could tell I looked and just nodded.  We head to a bathroom so Ibuki could put on her shirt. She had a white shirt that said "if" with blood on it, and it was tucked in to her black jean shorts. "Isn't it a bit to cold to be wearing that?" I ask. "Nope! As long as you're hyper enough the blood rushes through you!" she says while getting a monster from a vending machine. "Want one?" she asked as she opened up her white one. "T-the pink one?" maybe it'll taste like strawberries? I open it and it was just carbonated pink lemonade. "It's so good." I say.

We head to a store with very pastel kawaii things. I head straight for the purple llama fur sweater, I think it would look good with my white shorts and tights. I end up buying that and a mini backpack with a cherry design on it. Ibuki got a small lanyard that had rainbow stripes on it. We head to the bathroom again to try it on. My sweater was a pastel purple and my white shorts and white leggings. "Hold on!" Ibuki says reaching into her bag and pulls out two hair pins. One had a little llama on it and the other is a plain white pin. "T-thank you Ibuki! I-it looks really good!" I say. We head back home and as we're walking back home we hear an animal yell!

Ibuki's pov:
"Did you hear that?" I ask Mikan. She nodded with her eyes wide. "Stupid animal!" we look to the left in an alley, a man just threw a cat in the air! Mikan ran as fast as she probably could and caught the kitten before it hit the ground. "Excuse me?" the man yelled at her, making her get up and run towards me. "Let's get the police!" I say. We're running, the kitten in Mikan's arms. Mikan runs to the bathroom to treat the kitten while I get the police.

Mikan's pov:
"There there little guy..i-it's ok!" I say comforting to the crying kitten. I get bandages out my pocket since I always bring an extra roll. I bandage it's head, the eye, its left leg, and the torso. "He beat you pretty good huh?" I said about to cry myself. I come out of the bathroom and see Ibuki waiting for me, the man getting hand cuffed. "Thank you for treating this cat miss." the police man thanks me. We got in the car, and I have the kitten wrapped in a hand towel. "We should show it to Gundham, he'll know what to do." Ibuki tells me. I get out my phone and call him "What do you need?" he says. "W-we found a k-kitten, it's badly i-injured.." I say ready to start crying. "What!? Bring it to me immediately!" Gundham shouts.

                       Gundham's dorm thing
"I can't believe someone would do this to a poor animal!" Gundham shouts "That fiend...."  (idk what to do for this, so let's just say he treated it and Ibuki and Mikan kept it. The end)

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