Daiya Oowada x Reader:

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Requested by: Anonymous. Hope you enjoy!

As you stepped out of the comfort of your home and onto the pavement and up to the bus stop, your mind raced.

Because, as of today, you were starting out your new part time job to pay for your university loan. Well, not really-you had been searching for a job ever since you decided to move out of your home, and as you were just about to rent out a share house with some other people you had yet to meet, it was a wave of relief when a job at he old style milk-bar came up.

Considering the money you'd have to pay off for rent, food, and your study funds, it was a pretty good job;it paid it all off with even a little bit to spare.

As you got on the bus, you checked the time. 9:00. Your shift started at 10:00. You had plenty of time.

You spent the whole bus ride looking outside with a lump in your throat. It can't be that bad, right?

And by the end of the week, it was seeming pretty bad indeed. You were sure, by now, that you had lost at least some weight to rushing around from table to table serving the customers, and if not, then you were sure to have spent a lot more money then you should on headache tablets from the noise in the milk bar. You often wondered why this place was so popular, but you figured it must've been from good food and friendly staff.

You're workmates greeted you quickly as they rushed to the next stall to serve another customer. You walked into the staff room and placed your things in the locker, closing it shut. You straightened out your uniform and began work.

As the rush for lunch faded, and the noise level tune down to a hum, you started clearing the tables of the last customers, you heard the bell chime once more, with the voices of a group of young men echoing through the walls.

"Come on, Daiya, I'm gonna get pulled up by the principal if I'm late again!" A voice whined. Another one, presumably Daiya, piped up.

"Come on, this won't take a second. Besides, the burgers they make here is worth being late," You smiled a little and turned to face the men.

"I'll be with you as soon as I can," with that you walked to the kitchen and dumped the plates onto the counter, and came back with a notepad, pen, and a smile on your face.

"What can I get you all today?" The boy went to answer, but "Daiya" cut him off.

"He'll have the burger with the lot. Actually, you guys gonna get some too?" the others on the table nodded, causing the boy to groan.

"Now I'm sure to be late! Oh, man, the principal's gonna kill me...H-Hey! Youch!" You watched as Daiya jabbed the boy in the ribs. Daiya murmured something to him, and the boy straightened up.

"Sorry, miss..." You smiled;he looked like a guilty child looking down and scratching at the table like he was.

"That's alright. Is there anything else you'd like?" The older one, Daiya, turned to you.

"No, I think that'll be all... (Y/N). " You smiled again before walking off. Wait a second... did he....?

You looked on your uniform to see the letters of your name neatly embroidered onto the pocket. Right. You shook your head as you prepared the food, mentally face-palmed.

You took the food out to the boy's, who gladly started munching on the food. As you were cleaning the tables, a voice called you over.

"Oi, lady! Over here!" Oh god. You'd have a couple of these kinds of people in the day, but today had been full of rude and rather loud customers. You sighed before putting a smile on your face and pulling out your notepad.

"How can I help you?" One of them sneered at you.

"Oh, I know just how you can help me," he said. You stared hard at him, your blood boiling. Your hand was itching at your side, but you turned to the rest of the group with a smile.

''I guess I'll come back to you once your ready to place your orders." You walked straight back into the kitchen. You could feel a pair of eyes watching you, but you kept on until you closed the other side of the door.

"So, what did they want?" Dave asked you. You gave him an exasperated look.

"Nothing involving food, I'm sure." He gave you and amused look before dumping the dough he was rolling.

"Come here, I have something to show you," you frowned at him, but kept walking. Whatever it was, your boss wouldn't keep you from work.

"You see this?" He had led you into the kitchen, where he pointed to an oven.

"Yeah. It's an oven. So?" He pulled it open. Hot air blew into your face. You kneeled down next to Dave.

"Now, every time you see that customer, I want you to think of this oven. You have him, and you have this oven. Imagine what you could do to him." He stood up, and closed the oven door. You got up an started walking out. Thank god you had such a good boss.

"Oh, and don't forget to smile." You looked back at him, grinning.

"I won't," when you opened the door again, the air was tense. You but the inside of your lips slightly. Where their was once friendly chit chat between tables, all was silent and no one uttered a word. Strange, you thought to yourself. The rude man who sneered at you had now had a ghostly look on his face. You looked to the other table. Most of them were finished, and Daiya glanced at the other table, looking almost pleased with himself.

"All finished here?" Daiya looked at you, smiling.

"Yep. Gotta get this kiddo to school, eh, Mondo?" Mondo looked up, swallowing the last of his milkshake. He looked up to you.

"Thank you miss!" You laughed. It seemed like his brother taught him well.

"That's alright." You grabbed their dishes, and, with a glance to the other table, walked back to the kitchen. Dave raised an eyebrow.

"Fix 'em up, did you?" You gave him the a confused look.

"Well, someone certainly did." You dropped the dishes in the sink before walking back out, leaving Dave to shrug his shoulders and continue making beef patties.

"So long as nothing's smashed in splinters out there." He muttered to himself.

When you came out, Daiya was out waiting at the register, the other group gone. You walked to the other side of the bench and stood opposite to him, giving him the price. He smiled at you, giving you the money with a wink. You felt your cheeks flush, and you stared at him as he walked out to the rest of the group. He turned and grinned, giving you a wave. You snapped out of your trance, waving back at him and giving him a small smile. God, I'm going to look so silly, blushing like this! You thought to yourself. Before opening the cash register.

But somehow, you didn't mind that your face was flustered and you looked like a cherry. Not at all.

You counted the money again. It was only $26.00, why did he give me an extra 15? A piece of paper fell to the floor, and you put the 26 in the till. Must be a tip. You bent down to pick up the piece of paper, turning it over. As if you didn't already look terribly flustered, your face heated up once again at the name and number on the paper.

Oh, gosh, that took a while! I'm sorry that took as long as it did, I've been meaning to get onto writing but high school's so busy! Next one will be much quicker to post, I promise!

Dangan Ronpa x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt