Gundham Tanaka x reader:

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requested by: @SoudaKin and @Toy_Bonnie_bonbon Enjoy!

This box is so heavy... you thought to yourself as you walked the steps of the building complex, gripping the box tighter with your hands. As you approach the last step of the stairs, you look at the numbers on the doors. 194, 195, 196... 207 must be down this part of the apartment complex you now found yourself in. Within a couple of moments, you had reached your destination: number 207. You huffed, dropping the box down on the ground.

"That's the first of many..." you muttered to yourself.

Moving into the apartment building wasn't all that great, you realized as you jogged back down the stairs to retrieve your other items. If the documents and paperwork needed to even get an apartment in the first place wasn't enough, you had to find the apartment that you could afford, as well as a place that accepted animals for your new little kitten. In the end, you ended up getting an apartment that, although costed a lot of money for you alone, was closer to work then the other apartments, and the style, the spacing and rooms just seemed to sit nice with you.

"(Y/N), is it? (Y/N) (L/N)?" You turned around to see a young girl, around about your age with long, blonde hair and the bluest eyes you'd seen around. You hate to say it, but it really didn't look like she belonged here, in an apartment building. More like a castle or mansion or something.

"Yeah, that's me. Were you the neighbor I talked to on the phone yesterday evening?" Her voice sounded kinda familiar to Sonia's, although you weren't quite sure;no need to make an embarrassment of yourself on your first night living here.

"Yes in fact, I was. Would you like any help bringing your things in?" You smiled to her. She seemed friendly enough, but she was awfully formal. Maybe she was from higher beginnings.

"Of course, Sonia, I would love your help! The sooner we get the boxes in the better, yeah?" She nodded, closing her door and making her way down the stairs with you in tow, chatting about herself ( and you talking of your life in turn).

Turns out your suspicions were founded: Sonia Nevermind was travelling (C/N) for a cultual experience from her palace in Novelslic.

Not only was you next door neighbour rich, they were a princess.

You learnt, in that time that she was quite friendly. She was very much fit to be a princess, you decided. She seemed to be a natural leader. Finally, the lat of the boxes were placed into your apartment. Sonia turned to you with a warm smile.

"It was a pleasure to meet you (Y/N). I really do hope that we can be friends." She waved to you, and you smiled.

"Yeah, I hope so too. See you!" You walked ino the apartment and closed the door, grabbing some scissors from the already opened box and started unpacking as much as you could. By the time I finish tonight, I'll be sleeping like a baby, you thought to yourself as you pulled out the sheets for your bed. I'm already exhausted as is.

You couldn't sleep.

It's not that you didn't want to-you had a big day tomorrow, and there was not a sound in the apartment that would keep you up. You turned from your side and onto your back, breathing out quickly. Clearly agitated, you decided that maybe a bit of warm milk would serve you well. Sitting up, you stumbled out of your room and to the kitchen, nearly tripping on several boxes along the way. You opened the fridge door, only to discover that the milk you brought this afternoon had vanished. But I'm positive that I brought thought. Frowning, you closed the fridge door and searched through a box named "FRAGILE", trying to find the cup set. You pulled out what you guessed was a glass and unwrapped the newspaper, placing it on the bench and chucking the newspaper in the bin. Pouring yourself a glass of water, you decided to look outside. After all, Sonia did mention the building had a beautiful view.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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