Hajime Hinata x Chiaki Nanami: Sick

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Requested by: @Amaya_Mizushima and @Karkuda123. Enjoy!

As the bell signaled the end of the day, Nanami dropped her books into her arms and dragged herself out of the classroom for the holidays. But as everyone was going to their homes, Nanami was only thinking of going to her boyfriend Hajime Hinata's house. She grabbed the sheets of homework his teachers had given her and walked to the store.

Little to say she was surprised when Hinata called up and asked her to pick up his homework because he was sick. Maybe i shouldn't have run after that cat in the rain. But it was all huddled up, and even Hinata said that the cat was cute...

As she reached the store, she walked through the aisles, trying to find some medicine for colds. Is that what it is? I should've asked him... She kept on walking until she stopped at an array of medicines and vitamin supplements.

Her eyes searched the shelves intently as she continued her search for the cough medicine. She jumped as she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"You alright there? Is there anything I can help with?" It was the shopkeeper. She gave them a sheepish grin as she answered them.

"My boyfriend has the flu." She told the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper chuckled before taking a bottle from the shelf.

"It's disgusting, but it works like a charm." Nanami looked at the bottle. Cold and Flu Medicine, instructions on back, it said. She looked up at the shopkeeper, who was nowhere to be seen.

She shrugged, walking up to the checkout and paying for the medicine. But...there was something missing...wasn't there? She frowned at the bottle.

"Did you want anything else, miss?"

Oh, well. I'm sure it can't be too drastic.

"No, that's all, thanks." The shopkeeper smiled in reply.

Nanami could hear him coughing from the front door. She rung the doorbell, and as he opened the door, he looked at her for a split second before closing the door in her face. She blinked, unsure of what to do.

"Hinata?" No reply. She sighed when she heard a coughing noise.

"I got cough medicine for your flu," Maybe if she coaxed him to open the door, he would.

Still nothing.

"Fine, I'll leave them at the door, then." She walked down the steps, but a horse voice stopped her.

"Come in, please," She smiled, before grabbing the small bag and walking inside.

"Wait, so you forgot chicken noodle soup? Don't you have that when your sick?" Hinata questioned Nanami, who yawned.

"Nah... I don't really get sick."

"Lucky," he huffed, then coughed some more. Nanami went to the couch and cleared the tissues, dropping them in the trash.

"You sound awful." Nanami unpacked his homework and set it on the table beside his bed.

"Trust me, I feel worse," When Nanami looked back up at Hinata, he grinned at her.

"Thanks for going to the trouble of getting me my homework." She shrugged and gave him a lazy smile in return, grabbing the medicine before walking to the kitchen. Hinata frowned at her, backing away slightly.

"What are you doing with that?" She grabbed a spoon, pushing down on the bottle as instructed.

"I'm giving you your medicine, Hinata. What does it look like?" She started to pour the substance into the spoon.

"Look, I appreciate the thought, Nanami, but I really don't need medicine. I'll get better in a couple of days." He sat down, but Nanami followed him and shoved the spoon infront of him. His cheeks flushed.

"Say ahh,"

"Nanami, really, it's fine-"

"Open your mouth, Hinata." He sighed and gave him, pulling a sour expression as the medicine hit his tounge. As he swallowed it quickly, Nanami smiled and sat down next to him, placing the medicine and spoon down and resting her body.

It was holidays. She could spend her days doing anything she liked, playing games all day, taking care of Hinata, anything.

"You're going to get sick yourself if you stay this close to me, Nanami..." But Nanami was already dosing off.


Hinata chuckled at the sight of Nanami huddled in her blankets, tissues and cough lollie wrappers strewn around the bedroom. She looked up and smiled weakly, and he waved the bottle of medicine at her.

Okay, so this ones a bit of a short one, but I hope you like it! Next up: Souda Kazuichi!

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