Gundham x Sonia: A walk down the path

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So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy! I said that I might put these into a whole other book, but I don't think I'll bother. So, without further a do, let's get onto these cuties!

As Gundham watched her from afar, he sighed, pulling his scarf up to cover his face. It was stupid to think that such a beautiful, talented woman such as Sonia Nevermind would pay attention to such a lonesome, hell bound person such as he was.

So he kept his distance as usual, but his eyes would always find their way to the Noveslic princess, and he'd always sigh and pull his adored scarf back up his face to hide the burnning of his cheeks that came with the sight of Sonia. Sometimes, Souda would be there with her, which made him frown. Why does she even pay attention to that peasant? Sure, she was human just as Souda, but she was much more than just a human to Gundham. No, she was a princess. So when Souda constantly tried to win her attention, it made his blood boil. 

"Hello, Gundham! It sure is a very nice day today, isn't it?" Damn, his cheeks must;ve been burning by now. Souda was now galring at him. In an attempt to hide his smirk, he coughed and pulled his scaarf down to reply.

"Well...yes. Yes, it is a nice day. I see your day will be getting better now that the peasant is off your back," Sonia's eyes widened, did he take that too far? Souda yelled out in protest.

"Hey, don't you call me that, Hamster boy!" Oh gosh, he was going to make his way around here. He'd rather not have a face off infront of Sonia.

"We'd best be going, Sonia." He mumbled before grabbing her hand and taking off, turning swiftly at the corner and taking the matted path in which he usually spent his afternoon walks. Sonia looked around, as if to see if they'd lost him.

"I''m almost positive that he's gone. I myself only recently found out about this path," He mumbled the last bit to himself, pulling his scarf up again to hide the redness in his cheeks, looking away. Sonia smiled up at him, taking his hand in hers.

"It's a very beautiful path. It's such a shame no one else knows about it;I'm sure Mahiru could get some really nice photos here..." She turned to see Gundham frowning. 

"Is there something wrong?" She asked. He glanced at her before looking away, shaking his hand from her grip.

"I think it's better if not that many people know about this place." She nodded to show she understood, and the two of them walked and took in the sights quietly. Gundham liked this-it was peaceful, calm. Just her with him, nothing and no one else in the way.  His thoughts were interrupted by a slight tugging at his coat.

"Hey, look at that! Isn't it magnificent?" She was pointing, of course, at a Eclectus Parrot. He had seen a couple from here, they were truly magnificent as Sonia had described.

"We have so many different animals at the palace. Most of them we get given to as pets-You'd love it for sure! Maybe when we have summer break, I can invite you all! I'd love to show you all around my home!" Gundham looked at her, a little bewilderedly.

"And you wouldn't mind people staying there?" Sonia shook her head, beaming.

"Nope, I'd be more than happy. Especially if you're there!" Gundham looked to the ground, shoving his scarf up on his face. Sonia smiled. Even though he was hiding, she could see his excitement when she mentioned the animals. 

The rest of the night was spent there, talking about whatever came to mind. Nobody really knew where the two of them went at night, but they left the unofficial couple to themselves. Even Souda congratulated them, with months of conning from Hinata and the others.

Just so you know, this is set pre-despair. I try to set all my stories pre-despair, or in a different context altogether if you haven't already noticed. sorry that this one is short, but I'm starting on an Ishimaru one next. It might take a while with all my schoolwork, but leave a comment on what you want and I'll try to get to it!

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