Yasuhiro Hagakure x Reader: Chance

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Requested by: @HenryLange

"It'll be fun, trust me!"

Your eyes pierced through the crowd once more, but still you couldn't find your friend. Damn them, they were always late. You looked at your phone once more. 12:00, it read. She was meant to be here half an hour ago! You jolted out of your thoughts as your phone chimed.

1 new text message from (f/n), it read.

You opened the text up, only to groan in frustration.

"So sorry, forgot to tell you that the 11:45 palm reading is tomorrow, not today! D: "

So that would explain why everyone had cleared up from the palm reading stand at the festival. You sighed, grabbing your bag and sipping on the water you had brung along with you.

"Well, I might as well have a look at the other things this place has to offer, then." You muttered out loud, only to hear someone calling out to you.

"Hey, mind if I join you?"

You turned around to see none other than the palm reader that your friend was talking about. You hadn't really gotten to see him in person as the crowd around his stall was huge, and you'd only seen the posters around the festival.

He was tall, from how he towered over most people. but the smile that he wore showed nothing of a dangerous person, rather friendly and outgoing. And god, his hair! It was so big; you wouldn't be surprised if you could fit yourself into his hair and get lost for days. You decided to go with him, but cautiously. After all, you had only just met this man.

"Not at all," You have him a small smile, and got a grin back. You could feel your smile widen.


You fell onto the grass, laughing and shaking your head.

"I'm too tired! No more!" the man, Hagakure, chuckled and sat down beside you. By now it had gotten dark, and as the day ended you became aware that you wouldn't be able to see Hagakure again after tomorrow. You would have to go back to your apartment in the city, leave your hometown and the festival for another year. You turned to Hagakure, but he was looking at the sky.

As you looked up, a large crackling sound startled you. You jumped in surprise, but Hagakure just grinned at you.

"Fireworks." Was all he said. An none you said anything. Just watched the night sky light up in bright colours of red, green, gold, pink, silver, and blue.

"I'll be here tomorrow." He turned to you with a half smile and continued to watch the fireworks as you left.


The next day you got up, dressed and ready, for your last day. Last day of the festival, last day of your visit to your family and friends who decided to stay at your hometown. Then it would be back to your lonely apartment, back to life at university. It wasn't all that bad, you had friends there and you had fun, but you could never get over how much you missed everyone else here. You smiled sadly at the zipped up suitcase before leaving the room.

"There you are, (Y/N)! Quick, I want to get in before the big crowds start filling everything up."

You laughed at their excitement and followed them. Although you had played all the games with Hagakure yesterday, you wanted to make the most of your last day here. Your friend gasped as you flipped the last coin into the bucket, earning yourself a prize.

"Wow, how did you become so good at these games? Have you been practicing at your apartment or something?" You looked at her and grinned.

"Maybe I'm just having a lucky day." They groaned at you and you both laughed.

By the end of the day, there was one place you hadn't been to.

"Come onnnn, let's go already!" You let yourself be dragged to Hagakures' stall by your friend. You didn't know wether you should feel happy about seeing this guy or just feel as if an awkward goodbye was about to take place. The crowds had gone elsewhere, leaving you, your friend and the tent that had been set up.

Your friend pushed you forward.

"You first, (Y/N)." As you went to protest they pushed you more, sending you tumbling into the tent. Damn them.

You looked up to see Hagakure, letting a laugh escape his lips.

"You did say you'd be here, but you didn't need to come falling into my tent, (Y/N)." You narrowed your eyes slightly at him, but smiled nonetheless. He gestured to the chair.

"A palm reading?" You nodded.

You opened your palm for him and he took it, facing it into the dim lighting. You looked at him, and you could almost see the passion that he held with his work. His eyes were cast down to your palm, concentrating on whatever your hand held.

After what seemed like forever, he placed your hand down, and looked up at you. His expression was unreadable.

"You're leaving today. But you can always come back, and make memories that you can cherish well after you leave," He
grins at the sight of your surprised face. How did he-?

"You also have the chance of a strong relationship with someone new, if you give them the chance." He had stood up from where he was seated, and turned to you as you also stood.

"I'll be sure to keep in contact with them, then." You said as you put the money and a slip of paper on the table and smiled at him once more before taking your leave.

As you walked out, and your friend winked.

"How'd it go?" they asked, grinning. You looked at them, smiling.

"I guess we'll have to leave it for the stars to decide." You grinned at her as she walked in.

You had a feeling your life was going to get a hell of a lot more interesting.

Yes, I am sorry for the cheesy last liners that I've written. *I regret nothing*

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