Kyotaka Ishimaru x Reader: Class President

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Requested by: @IbukiMiodaIsMyIdol. So, here you are!

You woke up on this day, where the birds were chirping, the sunlight bounced off your walls, and you smiled.

Today, I'm gonna beat that Ishimaru. Today, today is the day.

Taking your time with your breakfast, humming to yourself as you did so, you looked as if you couldn't be put down. The cat from next door had gotten into the pot plants that you'd newly planted, but you just laughed at it instead of your usual routine. The tabby flinched at your touch and hissed. It gave a last wary look at the broom before scampering away.

Still, that smile was plastered on your face.

Even on the way to school, your friend Chihiro was slightly worried.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" You looked up at her, frowning.

"Hmm? Nothing's wrong," you continued to grin, and Chihiro looked away, shaking her head.

"Sometimes I just don't know about you, (Y/N)."

Little did you know that your opponent was feeling the exact same way.

"Lemme guess, it's Election Day, isn't it?" Mondo Oowada, friend of Kyotaka Ishimaru, stated with a sigh. He'd seen this in him long enough to know where this was going.

"Of course! Today will be the day that once again, I, Kyotaka Ishimaru, will beat (Y/N) once again and become Class President!" He said it with such vigor that some of the kids in your school glanced at him before sighing and continuing with their routine.

People learnt to accept that (Y/N) and Ishimaru were in a bitter feud that was now neck and neck: it was senior year in high school and you had won your juniors election, as Ishimaru stole the sophomore election you were determined to win the senior election and win this once and for all. That, although you'd hate to admit it, was the main reason for your involvement of this whole thing. To win, you'd do anything.

But that's where you and Kiyotaka Ishimaru broke apart from your similarities- Ishimaru had his reasons, and they were legitimate, too. He hoped to become a president himself one day, just like his grandpa. This fact always made you question your motives. If he was so determined to do something with his life, why did you put a roadblock of your silly quest to win in his way? However, as childish as it was of you, you were in way too deep for you to let it go. (A/N:ididnotintendtomakereferencetofrozenisweartogod)

As class starts, so does the competition.

"Okay class, as we all know, its time to vote for your class president. Now, since (Y/N) and Ishimaru have already confirmed that they want to run for class president, are there any others that would like to join?" A few people meekly raised their hands. Not to worry, they never usually got very far in the end.

"Well, right now we have 5 candidates for class president. Please nominate 3 people to be in your parties campaign."

(Y/N) looked to Chihiro and Sakura and Asahina. They nodded to her, already knowing their place as her party for the campaign. Sakura was responsible, so she was usually the director and editor. She would be the one to look over and polish up (Y/N)'s speeches, and would also pull the overs into line if anything happened. Asahina was her main advertiser for the public, and Chihiro took care of technological advertisements. (Y/N) worked with all of them, coming up with ideas for them to think over and either scrap or keep and work over. She relied on them as much as they did her.

Kiyotaka's party consisted of himself, Junko, Naegi, and Maizono. Maizono and Junko were naturals publicizing the campaign, and Naegi reported on what the student body really wanted. From there, Kiyotaka would draft his speeches and go to his group for help. Him and Naegi helped each other in keeping Maizono and Junko on task.

They were both great teams, and against each other, this year was going to be the most interesting election of all.

Day ten into the campaign and Ishimaru and (Y/N) were neck and neck in student ratings. (Y/N) proved to be more for what everyone enjoyed, proposing a few found raisers to do up the old soccer field that no one uses into a fun, enjoyable place with numerous ball courts and such on it so the field can be used for multiple games and sports.

Ishimaru, on the other hand, appealed to the more practical side of things, like changing some of the classes teaching methods into something everyone will understand and enjoy, and better walkways, more locker space and found raisers that would give the after school groups more resources to work with.

But when the time came for you to collaborate with Ishimaru and the other candidates to organize and set up the voting areas and the podium, and make the hall look as much as an Election Day as your school could afford to fund, you could barely keep yourself together.

With your friends help, you had managed to pull yourself together enough to go to the set up rather than call in sick for the day. Thinking back, you realized one of the other candidates could've used that against you. You reached out and opened the door with your slightly sweating hands. You walked in with strong strides, eyes scanning for your group and in particular, Ishimaru.

"So there you are, (Y/N)! It's a good thing you came early, because we have a lot of work to do!" You jumped slightly, turning around to see no other than Ishimaru himself. You blushed, clearing your throat and looking to him quickly.

"A-Ah, yeah, it sure seems like it, huh" You followed him to your work stations at the fold-up stalls for the poll booths. Even though you guys seemed like enemies come election time, you were really actually pretty close behind the curtains of the public.

Time passed quicker than you'd expected, and you were finished in about an hour an a half thanks to some witty comments here an there and music in the background to help everyone work more productively. As everyone left, an you were beginning to leave, you heard someone call for you.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Can you stay back for a while?" Ishimaru's voice boomed. You chuckled to yourself quietly before turning to him and nodding. He looked a little flustered, though you couldn't tell as to why.

"So what's up, Ishi-" to your suprise, you felt someone's lips on yours. As you realized that it was Ishimaru, you relaxed into the kiss. He ended it to look at you, cheeks burning.

"Good luck, (Y/N). "

Finally finished! Haha, sorry to let there be duh a wait for that one. Hopefully it was worth it!

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