Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x reader

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Requested by: @SilverStarGem

Gym had to be one of those classes. You don't hate them, but they're either crazy fun classes or hellishly brutal. Usually, and unfortunately, they were the latter.

By now you were dragging yourself to the gym. At least I won't have to get changed in front of everyone, you thought to yourself as you slipped into the toilets-that were now also the change rooms, as your school was yet to have changing rooms installed.

By the time you'd finished, a line had started up to get changed-most people not even bothering to wait while they got changed in the corners of the bathroom. You walked out just as quickly as you walked in and stuffed your change into your locker. You groaned when you noticed the time. You had 2 minutes to get back to the gym or you'd get detention. Closing your locker door, you started jogging to the gym.

"Just in time, (Y/N). Maybe you know where the other girls are?" The coach turned to you with a seemingly bored look.

"In the change rooms. It's pretty packed in there." You went to awkwardly sat down with some of your classmates. How did they even get here so quick? You would never understand.

"Sorry coach!" You smiled at the sound of your friends walking in. Sonia sat next to you, with Mahiru and Saionji following close behind.

How the three of you became friends was a mystery to you, but you were known as more or less a triple threat. Sonia, with her strong sense of righteousness and willing to lead, and Mahiru with her fiery passion for women's rights. You were the cool to their burn, the thing that kept the three together. You kept Mahiru in line and brought Sonia back down to earth when she got too excited. Although it was more like a quadruple threat now with Saionji joining the group.

"That's alright, I suppose. Although I expect you to get changed earlier on in you break time rather than later so that you can make it to class."

Saionji groaned. "But that means I'll have to get here super early to untie my sash..."

"Don't worry, Saionji, I'll help you," Mahiru replied, and you smiled at the two. They really did sound like sisters.

"Alright then. While we're waiting for everyone to come along, we might as well start with a warm up. I want you jogging twice around the perimeter of the field. Go!" You all got up and scrambled to the field, which was cleared for your class.

Sonia talked to Gundham as the two of you jogged, and you looked over your shoulder to where your other friends were. Saionji sped up to match your speed.

"Hey, look, (Y/N)! I'm as fast as you now!" you laughed, and ran at her pace.

"You sure are. Hey, watch out-!" But you'd spotted the obstacle too late. It wasn't uncommon for students to leave footballs lying around, and you could only watch on as Saionjii tripped on the football and skidded on the grass.

"Owwww!" You slowed and turned back to Saionjii, kneeling down and offering her your hand.

"Hey, are you alright?" Saionjii looked as if she was in pain, but nodded yes. A graze had showed on her leg and you helped her up and out of the way of people running.

"Are you sure you'll be alright to continue on?" She nodded, but looked back to you.

"Aren't you coming?" You looked back at the football, which was still lying precariously in the way.

"I'll get the football out of the way incase somebody else falls on it. You go on ahead, Saionji." She nodded, muttering something about how your "motherly instincts" were taking control, and continued running.

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